Dear Journal,
I finally got around to folding some more cranes for my Mother's Christmas present. Matter of fact, I'm currently folding number 22 as I type. It's the 16th crane I've folded today but all the same, if I want to have all 1,000 folded before Christmas then I'm going to have to put the petal to the medal with this job.
Today was a fairly nice day. Nikita-chan payed for my lunch out of the goodness of her heart even though I had money. lol, ever since she got a job she's been openly generious to everybody...or perhaps it has something to do with the six dollars she still owed me from previous lunches I purchessed for her. xd
Good ol' Nikita-chan.
I've made progress with Tsuki! Infact I'm rather pleased with how well the fur's come out. Maya's a really tough program when it comes to render effects. Soon as I'm done touching up the legs, tail, and toes I'll add a glow blend to make her look more like a Kami and begin the animation process. I don't care if I can't get it done before Christmas, I'll render it at home if I have to. ^^
Not much to say aside from the usual. Still five more days before Joey and I's two year anniversary and I still don't have a clue as to what he's got tucked up his sleave except that he's told my Mom so she can taunt me with it when he's not here to taunt me in person. blaugh
Bah, big love for the Joey person.
In other news tonight, as December 7th I would like to have a moment of silence for all the men and women who died this day in the year 1941 on a day that shall live in emphamy.....
God bless America.
ixi-_Necromancer_-ixi Community Member |