Mom: Nick, pick up your hand cuffs!
Nick (7 years old, maybe 6, not sure): They're not mine!
Hope (2 years older than me): Ok, then I'm taking them!
Well, yeah, so he sat on the floor, and Hope came in, poking him with her feet teasingly so he would give them back. He startes crying, when he's on the floor, and starts scooting away on his butt, and he rolls over to his side and starts crying even more. xd
Nick: MOM! She's kicking me with her stinky feet! scream gonk
Hope: twisted
Me: rofl
Mom: Hope! He's got his hands tied! eek scream *silent laughter*
Turns out his hands were hand cuffed under his legs the whole time he was scooting away. ( stressed And Hope DOES have incredibly stinky feet! Could swear, a few minutes in the car with her, I WISHED I would drop dead. stressed ) I started laughing non stop, then Nick went in to tell on Hope, and we started to laugh even more. lol
*Mom leaves the room* surprised
4laugh THE END! 4laugh