Nobody knows who this is so I can finally pour my heart out

These last few months have been horrid for me between u and I

I miss having a partner that would hold me


I pretend everything is ok but there's no physical contact

U come home extremely late everyday

U rage when I take this device away just to talk to u for one minute

U no longer talk to me or say anything at all we no longer have any physical contact even when we live together

I'm hurt and I feel neglected
I know how hard it is for u since u lost ur parents but u don't talk to me anymore or pretend I exist

There's nothing wrong with my looks but u belittle me so what I sacrificed so much of my life for u three weeks after our new son is born

All u do is talk about how crappy I really am

I hate you

I want to be happy again and I want to feel like I'm a lover again
I gave u everything and all u say to me is those words

I regret dating u ever I regret meeting u

I hate being associated with ur mum every time I give you a hug or do anything for u

I'm so hurt I need to let it out

Please ur toxic to me

I wish if situation was different I would have left I would have never gotten involved

U ******** raped me I didn't want another child so soon u never gave a s**t about me and how I felt

Look u don't love me anymore years ago why can't u tell me

When I look in the mirror all I see is a beautiful person but u try to feed me with ur lies there's nothing bad about how I look

Why can't we touch each other anymore just why

Why do u treat me so bad