The Yashi Clan
Propagation & Plants

Propagation & Plants

Just as the Uzumaki clan are close relatives to the Senju, The Yashi clan originated as a collection of Senju who did not adopt the belief of Ninshū and for the most part did not have any desire to remain in Konoha during its habitation and founding. Still the signs of their heritage are present in their larger chakra reserve, the clan from then on functioned independently focusing on the sole tenant of nature itself. In a sense as hard as these ancestors tried to distance themselves from Ninshū the concept of sage and sage chakra was still heavily present. Because of their desire and way of life that favored isolation it would be no surprise that members of the Yashi Clan were to a degree far more primitive and far more tribal than the actual Senju themselves.
The Yashi Clan seems small in size. Comparable to the Shinsetsu in the sense that its members are few and scarce. However, it can be said that multiple Yashi Clan's could have been spread to different islands as there is naturally no record of which Senju's went where. As the years ticked away the Yashi's clan isolation took greater effects on what they became today. Due to typical shortages of food to support one another, as they typically bred often due to sickness and dying young being common, the Yashi focused more on the foliage and fruit bearing abilities of their capabilities. Suffice to say one can't eat wood. Eventually the entirety of [Wood Release] became nil among the Yashi clan. Instead they would be able to grow grasses, fruits, and the like. Their abilities of wood manipulation only extending as far as making the thin branches of a berry bush.
The Yashi Clan however, had more than just their way of life to blame for their shortened life spans. Like all things in life there is a balance. The ability to say create sustainable food sources with ones chakra was indeed a power to behold but it had an unknown cost. Which still remains unknown to this day.
Perhaps it is this cost that had Senju stick to primarily wooden constructs.Producing anything that could be considered consumable nutrition using ones chakra shaves off some of the Yashi clan's overall life span. As essentially to give life one most lose life in an equivalent echange.
___Passive Traits:
• Jutsu are referred to as Kōjōton [Plant Release].
• Users have Suiton [Water] and Doton [Earth] as chakra elements.
• Can learn Suiton [Water], Doton [Earth], and Kōjōton [Plant] ninjutsu one [1] post faster.
• Kōjōton users can produce sustainable food sources from their Chakra in exchange for decreasing their life span by the typical amount of time it would take to grow said sustainable food source.
• Kōjōton techniques are weak to [Ice] OR [Fire] techniques and are overpowered by said techniques of the same rank. Kōjōton with high water contents are resistant to flames but weak to ice. Kōjōton with low water contents are resistant to ice but weak to flames. This is determined by Vegetation type
• Kōjōton cannot be used with wood, and only can be utilized to create vegetation and vegetation alone.
• All Kōjōton users have access to the General Vegetation. When creating a character members of this bloodline must select one [1] Vegetation type that they may specialize in. Disciplines will allow this number to increase, and a Major Personal Attribute may be utilized to bestow one [1] additional Vegetation Type.
Just as the Uzumaki clan are close relatives to the Senju, The Yashi clan originated as a collection of Senju who did not adopt the belief of Ninshū and for the most part did not have any desire to remain in Konoha during its habitation and founding. Still the signs of their heritage are present in their larger chakra reserve, the clan from then on functioned independently focusing on the sole tenant of nature itself. In a sense as hard as these ancestors tried to distance themselves from Ninshū the concept of sage and sage chakra was still heavily present. Because of their desire and way of life that favored isolation it would be no surprise that members of the Yashi Clan were to a degree far more primitive and far more tribal than the actual Senju themselves.
The Yashi Clan seems small in size. Comparable to the Shinsetsu in the sense that its members are few and scarce. However, it can be said that multiple Yashi Clan's could have been spread to different islands as there is naturally no record of which Senju's went where. As the years ticked away the Yashi's clan isolation took greater effects on what they became today. Due to typical shortages of food to support one another, as they typically bred often due to sickness and dying young being common, the Yashi focused more on the foliage and fruit bearing abilities of their capabilities. Suffice to say one can't eat wood. Eventually the entirety of [Wood Release] became nil among the Yashi clan. Instead they would be able to grow grasses, fruits, and the like. Their abilities of wood manipulation only extending as far as making the thin branches of a berry bush.
The Yashi Clan however, had more than just their way of life to blame for their shortened life spans. Like all things in life there is a balance. The ability to say create sustainable food sources with ones chakra was indeed a power to behold but it had an unknown cost. Which still remains unknown to this day.
Perhaps it is this cost that had Senju stick to primarily wooden constructs.Producing anything that could be considered consumable nutrition using ones chakra shaves off some of the Yashi clan's overall life span. As essentially to give life one most lose life in an equivalent echange.
___Passive Traits:
• Jutsu are referred to as Kōjōton [Plant Release].
• Users have Suiton [Water] and Doton [Earth] as chakra elements.
• Can learn Suiton [Water], Doton [Earth], and Kōjōton [Plant] ninjutsu one [1] post faster.
• Kōjōton users can produce sustainable food sources from their Chakra in exchange for decreasing their life span by the typical amount of time it would take to grow said sustainable food source.
• Kōjōton techniques are weak to [Ice] OR [Fire] techniques and are overpowered by said techniques of the same rank. Kōjōton with high water contents are resistant to flames but weak to ice. Kōjōton with low water contents are resistant to ice but weak to flames. This is determined by Vegetation type
• Kōjōton cannot be used with wood, and only can be utilized to create vegetation and vegetation alone.
• All Kōjōton users have access to the General Vegetation. When creating a character members of this bloodline must select one [1] Vegetation type that they may specialize in. Disciplines will allow this number to increase, and a Major Personal Attribute may be utilized to bestow one [1] additional Vegetation Type.
Wellspring of Chakra: Gain an additional twenty-five [25] Chakra Points to the total pool the character has per Discipline Point invested.
Arboreal: When in contact with natural vegetative surfaces the user is more acclimated. While surrounded by natural vegetation, those with this discipline will recover chakra and stamina at twice [2] the normal rate. This will increase by one [1] multiple per one [1] Discipline Point, this only applies to complete surrounding of natural vegetation i.e a jungle not a meadow, tall body high grasses, not a lawn.
Greener Pastures: For every [3] Discipline points invested the Kōjōton gains access to an additional form of vegetation they have access to.
Bumper Crop: For every [1] Discipline point invested the amount of [Sustainable] crop yield per life span sacrifice increases by 1 step. I.e 3-5 yield becomes a 6-10 yield.this will increase by 1 multiple per discipline point. 6-10 would become 12-20 etc.
Wellspring of Chakra: Gain an additional twenty-five [25] Chakra Points to the total pool the character has per Discipline Point invested.
Arboreal: When in contact with natural vegetative surfaces the user is more acclimated. While surrounded by natural vegetation, those with this discipline will recover chakra and stamina at twice [2] the normal rate. This will increase by one [1] multiple per one [1] Discipline Point, this only applies to complete surrounding of natural vegetation i.e a jungle not a meadow, tall body high grasses, not a lawn.
Greener Pastures: For every [3] Discipline points invested the Kōjōton gains access to an additional form of vegetation they have access to.
Bumper Crop: For every [1] Discipline point invested the amount of [Sustainable] crop yield per life span sacrifice increases by 1 step. I.e 3-5 yield becomes a 6-10 yield.this will increase by 1 multiple per discipline point. 6-10 would become 12-20 etc.
__Vegetation Types:
Poisonous: All Vegetation that falls under the classification of a natural hazard. It is to be noted that the user them self is NOT immune to the hazards the particular vegetation produces. For intents and purposes follow the guidelines for hazards. This category however does NOT include fungi. {Weak Ice}
Fungal: All Vegetation that falls under the classification of Fungal. This can include but is not limited to mushrooms, spores, and mold. If the particular fungus is considered a hazard follow the guidelines for hazards. Additionally the user is NOT immune to the hazards produced by the fungi. For edible fungi follow the rules seen in the Sustainable Vegetation Category. {Weak Fire}
Sustainable: Vegetation that commonly falls under the classification of edible and nutritional. Note the option to create sustainable vegetation is still possible without shaving off one's life span however, it will provide no nutritional value. Tomatoes, carrots, apples, and fruits are some examples of the sustainable category. For every average harvest of food or vegetable made with chakra. The lifespan of the individual is cut based on that foods growth time. As an example a normal potato crop will yield 3-5 potatoes in 70 days. Another example is the average amount of bananas found in a bunch. Singular fruits i.e oranges apples are considered 3-5 per harvest. As a result of creating these instantaneously through means of chakra the user sacrifices 70 days worth of their lifespan. If the crop was made using one's life span one can indeed use it to plant and create more crops naturally. If the conditions are right of course. {Weak:Ice}
General: General Vegetation falls under the category of brambles, grasses, vines, thorns, weeds, seeds, and leafs. While not the most dangerous outright it is the most versatile of the vegetation allowing for the easiest manipulations and are the quickest to grow. When this vegetation is selected twice whenever it is used with Kōjōton it is treated to take a [1/2] rank less chakra to grow and use for techniques, if selected thrice will reduce the cost by a [Full Rank] {Weak:Fire}
Fungal: All Vegetation that falls under the classification of Fungal. This can include but is not limited to mushrooms, spores, and mold. If the particular fungus is considered a hazard follow the guidelines for hazards. Additionally the user is NOT immune to the hazards produced by the fungi. For edible fungi follow the rules seen in the Sustainable Vegetation Category. {Weak Fire}
Sustainable: Vegetation that commonly falls under the classification of edible and nutritional. Note the option to create sustainable vegetation is still possible without shaving off one's life span however, it will provide no nutritional value. Tomatoes, carrots, apples, and fruits are some examples of the sustainable category. For every average harvest of food or vegetable made with chakra. The lifespan of the individual is cut based on that foods growth time. As an example a normal potato crop will yield 3-5 potatoes in 70 days. Another example is the average amount of bananas found in a bunch. Singular fruits i.e oranges apples are considered 3-5 per harvest. As a result of creating these instantaneously through means of chakra the user sacrifices 70 days worth of their lifespan. If the crop was made using one's life span one can indeed use it to plant and create more crops naturally. If the conditions are right of course. {Weak:Ice}
General: General Vegetation falls under the category of brambles, grasses, vines, thorns, weeds, seeds, and leafs. While not the most dangerous outright it is the most versatile of the vegetation allowing for the easiest manipulations and are the quickest to grow. When this vegetation is selected twice whenever it is used with Kōjōton it is treated to take a [1/2] rank less chakra to grow and use for techniques, if selected thrice will reduce the cost by a [Full Rank] {Weak:Fire}
__Basis Technique:
Vegetation Manipulation [Shokusei sōsa]
Rank: X
Strength: X
Speed: X
Manipulate's the corresponding known Vegetation's the user has in a manner equivalent to the rank of chakra expended for this technique. This manipulation follows the corresponding chart as a loose guide when it comes to terms of limitations. The requirements for hand signs can instead be replaced by having ones hand or hands firmly placed on the ground.
E►A single vine, a single fruit or vegetable, a single plant, a single mushroom
D►Up to three vines, up to three fruits or vegetables, a patch of plants, a collective of mushrooms
C►About twenty feet of vegetation, about a fourth of an acre of crops, an outcropping of fungi
B►About fifty feet of vegetation, about a acre of crops, a large house full of fungi
A►A small jungle of vegetation, about three acres of crops, a multitude of fungi the size of a small swamp
S►An entire jungle, five acres of crops, a village worth of fungi
~Learned As E ~
Sudden Growth
Rank: X
Strength: -
Speed: -
Description: Produces a single type of vegetation from the ground for future use. If earth is visible can be produced in a particular area within vision, an open palm in contact with the ground upon its use can be used to replace hand signs. For all intents and purposes the size of the vegetation is the same as it would be naturally. The durability of the vegetation is determined by the amount of chakra used. If [Bolstered Growth] is known one can spend the appropriate chakra to increase the size without consuming an activation to do so. Can also be used to reinforce vegetation to survive chakra interactions that would otherwise destroy them.
~Learned As D ~
{Poisonous/Fungal} [Exhale]
Rank: D
Strength: -
Speed: -
Description: Only applies to {poisonous} types of Vegetation causes the vegetation to begin seeping it's particular hazard slowly in a faintly visible gaseous state. This does not happen rapidly, so it can be used for subtle dosage applications.
Bramble Snap
Rank: X
Strength: One Greater Than Rank Expended
Speed: One Less Than Rank Expended
Forming handsigns or firmly placing an open palm on the ground the user will invoke a large thorny bramble to lash out at a target as though it were sentient. The bramble remains after being grown and functions semi-sentient after summoning lashing at whatever comes within fifteen feet of it excluding the user. The bramble may attempt to grapple a target. In doing so the target will need to expend an amount of stamina equivalent to the brambles rank to break free and destroy the bramble. For every post spent ensnared by the bramble the ensnared receives 1/2 the rank of the expended chakra used to make the brambles as damage. Metallic armor negates this effect.
Wild Grasses
Rank: X
Strength: Two Less Than The Rank Expended
Speed: One Greater Than Rank Expended
Description: Used in meadowy terrain or where grass is present. Forming the necessary hand signs or firmly placing their hand upon the ground the user manipulates the grass to grow and ensnare the target incredibly quickly. While fast the strength of the grass is not all that strong. The target will need to expend an amount of stamina equal to the techniques strength in order to break free and destroy the grasses. This technique is often used as a set up for a follow up technique. However, as long as the user maintains their position of a hand on the ground they can continue to sustain the technique for 1/2 its original cost to continue attempting to ensnare the target so long as they remain in contact with the grass. This of course is not without risk.
Vengeant Thorn(s)
Rank: X
Strength: One Greater Than Rank Expended
Speed: Two Less Than The Rank Expended
Description: Forming the necessary hand signs or placing their hand firmly on the ground the user evokes a large penetrating thorn of about ten feet in height to spur from the ground. While this is slow it is often incredibly devastating when it hits as it's penetrative power is significant enough to pierce steel. However, as long as the user maintains their position of a hand on the ground they can continue to sustain the technique for 1/2 its original cost to continue attempting to penetrate the target. This of course is not without risk.
~Learned As C ~
Bolstered Growth
Rank: X
Strength: -
Speed: -
Causes a normal piece of vegetation to grow significantly larger than it's original size and be capable of withstanding an appropriate attack. This technique strips the vegetation of its nutritional value. The size of the vegetation is determined by rank. Increasing to comparative sizes of the appropriate rank.
►E-Rank Chakra: Objects that are typically small 2ft. In Diameter and Circumference
►D-Rank Chakra: Objects that are typically of medium sized 5ft In Diameter and Circumference
►C-Rank Chakra: Objects that are typically of large sized 10ft In Diameter and Circumference
►B-Rank Chakra: Objects that are typically classified as huge 20ft In Diameter and Circumference
►A-Rank Chakra: Objects that are Typically classified as bigger than huge but not gargantuan 30ft In Diameter and Circumference.
►S-Rank Chakra: 60 Fit in Diameter and Circumference.
►S+-Rank Chakra: 120Ft In Diameter and Circumference
Rank: C
Strength: -
Speed: -
Description: When the user forms the necessary hand signs upon using this technique all pre-existing vegetation within ten feet of the user will begin to produce large spores or pollen the size of baseballs. In the case of [Hazardous] vegetation the spores and pollen will be hazardous. When the spore or pollen lands on the ground it will rapidly begin to reproduce the currently existing vegetation doubling it's height and thickness if grass or brush, or having them multiply doubling the amount. If the users hand remains on the ground they can continue to sustain this technique for 1/2 its original cost. All vegetation grown this way will lose its nutritional value.
Bodily Garden
Rank: C
Strength: -
Speed: -
Description: This technique allows the user to instead use their own body to grow vegetation as if it were the ground. May reproduce the same effects of having ones hands firmly placed on the ground with the resulting vegetation coming out of ones body instead, in exchange this requires hand signs. However, in some cases this is ill advised. One's body may be used for the technique [Sudden Growth] to produce vegetation from their body but this vegetation is not attached to the users body. If [Bolstered Growth] is known one can spend the appropriate chakra to increase the size without consuming an activation to do so.
~Learned As B ~
Rampant Growth
Rank: B
Strength: -
Speed: -
Description: After forming the necessary hand signs or firmly placing both hands on the ground. Fills an area of around one hundred feet with a known type of vegetation the user know. Any vegetation grown this way loses its nutritional value.
Shape Vegetation
Rank: B ~ Passive
Strength: -
Speed: -
Description: Shapes usually form fitted vegetation into an appropriate form prior to its growth. Once learned this technique does not take chakra. The shape is decided upon the vegetation's growth. I.e a carrot is normally shaped like a carrot prior to learning this technique. After one can grow a carrot in the shape of a sword or a giant rabbit etc.
Blades of Grass
Rank: B
Strength: C
Speed: A
Description: After forming the necessary hand signs or firmly placing both hands on the ground when in the present of grassy terrain teen square foot patches of grass become blade like and jut up skyward to about thirty feet before shrinking back down. They then can then be manipulated in a wave like manner for the 1/2 the initial cost as long as both the users hands remain firmly on the ground. The terrain essentially becoming a field of grass blades freely manipulated by the user. The blades of grass can be detached from the ground and manipulated through the air briefly before shrinking into its normal size and dissipating. The speed at which it does this its more frightful aspect.
~Learned As A ~
Sentient Growth
Rank: X
Strength: -
Speed: -
Description:Upon forming the necessary hand seal the user imparts their will into a piece of vegetation. The vegetation then develops 'a mind of its own' and is treated to be its own being for all intents and purposes with its own activations. Thusly meaning that it can indeed betray its creator if it so decides as while it is sentient it is lacking in intelligence. The sentient growth will follow the user command up until two posts. For each post the sentient growth exists past [2] a dice is rolled. If ever the result is odd the sentient vegetation will turn on its creator. The sentient vegetation can then be Rp'd by a moderator who will also roll dice to determine control. A Sentient Growth can only be dismissed if it is not rebelling against its creator. It's durability is the equivalent of to the rank of chakra used when it was grown. It's chakra pool is determined by how much the user imparts to it. The Sentient Vegetation can repair itself expending chakra equal to the amount of damage it received, and additionally can attack via producing more of itself should it desire.
Black Garden: Prison
Rank: A
Strength: A
Speed: A
Description: From the user after forming the necessary hand seals a wild array of thorny vines begins to erupt from their body. These vines lash out, wrap around, and spread digging into the ground. When the technique finally ends all individuals within one hundred feet will find themselves in a pitch black prison of thorns not unlike an arena. Similarly this technique can be used to form a dome around solely an opponent where in after the user many then manipulate the thorny vines from the outside to attack the blind opponent inside. The user is fully aware of all individuals within the dome and may form hand signs to spend an [X] amount of chakra to have one of the vines comprising the dome to attack whomever is inside.
Siphoning Grasses
Rank: A
Strength: B
Speed: S
Description: A technique that follows the same rules as the previous grass techniques. Upon ensnaring the target the user will then drain the opponents chakra into the vegetation causing the grass only to grow thicker. For each post spent ensnared by the grasses it's strength increases by [1/2] rank. If the user has both hands firmly planted in the ground the user can then begin transferring the ensnared's chakra to them-self equivalent to the rate of the grasses current strength.
~Learned As S ~
Bamboo Forest Emergence: Death Match
Rank: S
Strength: -
Speed: -
Description: As if performing a summoning upon placing both hands upon the ground a sprawling bamboo forest emerges beneath the user and whomever is present spanning a mile wide. This forest releases a mist that prevents further summonsing of living things. This forest forces all individuals to either accompany its growth up where the stalks tower at a hundred feet high or be impaled by the spear like bamboo which rises up to thirty feet high. From here all individuals are partially forced into bamboo forest combat limiting every individuals offensive activation's by 1 If their agility is not higher than or equal to [7] and an additional action is lost if their agility is not higher than [4]. The Bamboo Forest will continue indefinitely with new bamboo replacing lost bamboo immediately upon its destruction. The technique immediately ends when only one person is left standing. Falling into the bamboo spears below could lead to immediate death or crippling injury.
Forbidden Technique: Exponential Growth
Rank: S+
Strength: -
Speed: -
Description: This technique after forming the necessary hand signs begins to cause a certain single piece of vegetation to grow. This piece of vegetation will then double in amount, and then double again, its growth will continue to grow exponentially until the user of the jutsu is either 'killed' or knocked unconscious. This technique can be used to produce sustainable vegetation with nutritional value of up to several acres. However, regardless of the amount made...the user will martyr themselves to do so. The knowledge of this jutsu is not found in any scroll. It can only be found in letters written upon the Banana Palm Fan that only members of the Yashi Clan or a Devout Researcher can read.
___Yashi Clan Members:
© 2010-2012 Shinobi Nations. Permission for use within SS.