I'm interested in learning new things for my future, and possibly creating a cool method in documenting it! I have inspiration to make something great that I can keep with me, some type off connection.rofl
I've been on hiatus.. Still surprised ZOMG is still up to this day, I still don't know it's direction however I still love it.. I've actually been rather nostalgic on this site lately and I'm not sure why. rolleyes Back in the days in 2013 I coded CSS and wish I still remember how to; when I'd just be checking over my work, constantly refreshing.. fixing my code until my ocd had it just how I wanted it to be lol. Perhaps I can find more interests soon~ I have my weekends off from work to work on new things, time management incoming?
I'll be around forums & if you want to play zomg I'd love to Perhaps more Art ideas will contribute further to killing my anxiety and a way to support the pain o;