It's funny how you can talk differently to different people. I've always had a bit of a country accent. In my early teens I worked for so long to get rid of it but it would keep creeping up in convos sometimes. My grandpa was from Georgia though, and had a Georgia accent. My mom does too. When I talked to him, it's I didn't even change my accent. Lol. After he passed away, I accent wasn't quite a strong but it still came out a lot when I talked to my grandma. She passed away and I don't even know what my accent is doing. The way I pronounce things now sometimes is just weird. lol I'm just like, is this what my accent is now? Dear Lord... My mom has a stronger Georgia accent than my grandpa but I don't talk to her like that. Idk, it's odd though. A lot of times, even Google can't understand me. rofl
On a different note, I think I finally figured out why It's so painful to be on my feet a lot. I started noticing little white bumps under the skin where it hurt a lot. I think it's actually Piezogenic Papules. It's like places where the fat in your feet start herniating through the lower layers of you're skin. It says it actually happens to a lot of people but there's not always symptoms.
I'm also wondering if I may have Baker's Knee. It can be caused by inflammation in your knee. It can produce too much liquid and cause something like a liquid cyst behind the knee. It can go away as your knees improve. My knees have been hurting lately though and behind my right knee felt so sore, I wondered if it were a cut. There was nothing but a little redness and swelling. I've had pain and inflammation in that area before. I have a lot of knee issues because of my quads being so much stronger than the surrounding muscles and so tight that it actually pulls my patellas up. At it's worst, my patellas don't even track. So, it actually wouldn't be shocking if it was.
Recovering from being sick though, I don't feel quite as bad as I did. Still don't feel great but my allergies have been going crazy because my nose has been minorly bleeding often the past month. So, for being in a reacting state, I'm doing pretty good. Comparing to my normal, it does suck though but, still, not as bad.
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