Merely notes for myself and a friend.
OWOBAW returns?!
Angels - Upper beings of the world. They inhabit Celestia, a serene world created atop clouds, with ancient marble buildings. They are peaceful beings, but in times of war, angels have been prepared to fight, albeit, they are more prone to using magic than blades.
Very rarely are they offensive, more often the defensive type, but depending on the situation and person, anything could happen.
They follow their Seraph, ______[NAME HERE.]. During the last great war, her whole being was sealed inside a great stone tablet in the Sanctuary ______[NAME IT?]. She has been reached by her three archangels leaders, ______[NAMES.] with the playing of an ancient melody, a vision of the goddess coming out of the stone.
Humans - Humans are in the middle of all things. They inhabit the middle world, in between Celestia and Dementia. Not really gifted in any sort of combat, they are well rounded people.
Being in the middle of the worlds is a curse though, as most of the skirmishes between races happens here. Humans also provide most of the fodder for both angel and demon armies, being converted to one side of an army, some by choice, others, not.
Their leader is the great king Cedric III ________[NAME? ENGLISH.]
Demons -Lower creatures. Inhabit Dementia, a dank world deep below the ground, made of rock and metal. Demons are cruel creatures, often favoring combat. They are far more offensive than defensive, and are prone to use both magic and steel.
In the center of their world lies the great Citadel, where the High Priest Malakhiel conducts their religious activities, no matter how dark they are. Often sacrificing their own kind for luck in battle or other odd rituals. The religious workers all adorn black hooded robes that completely cover their entire body, so that nothing is shown.
Their great demon God, Kil'Jaderon has been dormant inside a heep of a dragon-like skeleton after the last Great War. He has been reached before with sacrifical rituals, creating a vision of the dark god, but unable to do much more than give orders to the high priest.
Fire - Gives the ability to conjure and control fire.
Water - Gives the ability to conjure and control water.
Ice - Gives the ability to conjure and control ice.
Earth - Gives the ability to control the earth.
Air - Gives the ability to conjure and control wind.
Thunder - Gives the ability to conjure lightning.
Light - Contains holy powers, including the powers of ressurection.
Dark - Contains dark powers, including the powers of death.
Shadow - Controls the powers of mimicry and the ability to control and conjure shadows. One could create illusions of themselves with such powers, however, often times they are not perfect unless the ability was trained.
Psychic - Amplifies the power of one's mind, allowing them to use psychic abilities such as telekinesis.
Transform - Allows one to transform their body into almost anything for a limited time.
- Great war.
+ Seraph and Kil'Jaderon fight.
+ Sealed away.
+ Orbs disperse?[Collect all to revive god? or give enough power to do so?]
Community Member
Sorry, complete good-as-new healing is just a pet peeve of mine. If a character gets a big-time injury, the thing needs to have some lasting effects, you know? You lose a hand, the hand is staying lost, right? Unless maybe if you can allow some people to be really skilled and they could reattach it, but even then its coordination would probably be a bit off.
... I'm not getting too bossy, am I? Sorry if I am... sweatdrop