OMG eek i'm actually writing another entry... and here I swore that I'd never do it again!!
But anyway, what do you think about trolls?
I saw this post about a 12 yr old girl which had gotten raped and was now pregnant, and even if it does sound so unrealisticly gross, I replies and wished a happier future for her. But there were a few that thought she was bluffing, and just getting us hooked so she could get replies, and they judged thet by the calmness by the post, I thik that's stupid. What do you thing sounds more realistic, this:
I got raped... I don't know what to do, i believe I'm pregnant.
Or this:
OMG eek I got raped crying *cries... I dunno what to do question I believe I'm pregnant eek
I didn't think that she was too calm in the post... what should she do? Write a long elaborate tale about how it felt?!? NO, thats disturbing! If that's what makes people in this world believe in cries of rape, no wonder so many people kill themselves off, this place sucks (and don't you ******** dare come with the stupid: Well if the world didn't suck we'd fall off, reply!).
I do believe that she was in shock. I may be wrong in believeing her, what if she's a troll? A common postwhore? Then I can just forget about his whole thing. But what if it happended? What if no one believed her? What if... there are always what if.
I don't care how many fortune tellers you see, you can never predict what's gonna happen. What if she killed herself because she thought herself unworty, just because of the trollPostwhore comments we threw at her? I'm not saying that it's gonna happen, but rape probably leaves you woth a fragile psyche. I say probably, since I have no experience, which I am very, very grateful for.
I think it's sad that some people always replie with "liar, liar pant son fire!" as soon as someone cries rape. Are we really so distrusteful? Do we need th have movie fotage, dna samples, closeup pictures, a shinks evaluateion and a confession before we believe?
Racoonalinn · Sun Jun 25, 2006 @ 11:02am · 0 Comments |