Welcome Back,it is 8:24P.M and the skys are full! People arond are lighting fire works already!Why? Lets ask some...here is Trisha with her "why"
Trisha:Yes, well, Im glad I got on your show! well, heres the chase, fire works are so cheap right now and when its the forth of July they raise so high. so im just like celebrieting them early.
Smart idea!I never thought of that.Ok, up nexts, some great cooking with Yukatara, lets see what he cooked up this time, Yukatara.
Yukatara:Yes, well today I have made sugary mac and cheese! how you make it is you boil some water till it starts to bubble,after that you add the noddles for about 8-10 minutes.Next,you drain the water with a strainer and put the noddles back in the pot and on the stove. Then, you add butter and milk and sturtill butter is melted. After that, you add the cheese and stur till you think its ready. Finally you add 1/4 of a cup of sugar and stur. there you have it!A delish meal!!Hope you enjoy!
Thanks Yukatara.Well that raps up today! toon in next time for a surprise, you dont wanna miss!
Sacoru · Wed Jun 28, 2006 @ 02:35am · 1 Comments |