Daddy, are you leaving?
I posted about this earlier but I think I can give more detail here. You see, my dad got a new job about 5 months ago and I hardly see him anymore. crying I miss him all the time and I tried to talk to him about it in passing but he just says that everything's fine and that there's nothing to worry about. THat's what my mom says to but she also says that it's stress. He should be home about an hour after he gets off of work, but now he doesn't get home about 5 or 6 hours he gets off of work. I hate to think that he's cheating cuz he doesn't seem like that kind of person and he's not exactly "young" either. But i'm told that old people can cheat too. sad I miss him and whenever I call him at work he just says a few words saying that he's busy and has to go and then just hangs up. I don't want my daddy to leave. I miss seeing him everyday. But, now the job that he's involved with, it requires him to leave for days or weeks at a time. I feel like he's ignoring me. Like he doesn't love me anymore. cry