Ok, I need some serious description rateage. Butcher, add, and otherwise edit as you see fit. In case you couldn't guess, this is for my pirate entry. xd
Avast ye landlubbers, It be me, Red Boobs.
Step aboard, tharr's no need te be fearin' the open seeeaas. Unless of course yer stomach ain' ezactly seawerthy, aye, then that be a diffren' story, mate! Smartly with ye, wouldn' wan' ye ta dirty up me deck, or I'll have ye be dancin' the hempin' jig! Don' think I WON' be the one ta see ye ta Davy Jones!
Arr, me hearties! Thatss some mighty fine booty ye got tharr!
Another nickname would be nice, too. x3
Avast ye landlubbers, It be me, Red Boobs.
Step aboard, tharr's no need te be fearin' the open seeeaas. Unless of course yer stomach ain' ezactly seawerthy, aye, then that be a diffren' story, mate! Smartly with ye, wouldn' wan' ye ta dirty up me deck, or I'll have ye be dancin' the hempin' jig! Don' think I WON' be the one ta see ye ta Davy Jones!
Arr, me hearties! Thatss some mighty fine booty ye got tharr!
Another nickname would be nice, too. x3
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