Name: Daisuki Hatake
Alias: None
Race: Fox/phoenix demon
Gender: Male
Birthday: November 5, 1989
Age: 18
Hair: changes color with the seasons...
Eye: Red
Sexuality: Gay
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 130lbs
Blood: Type O
Status: Collage student
Language spoken: English
Personality: Vary happy most of the time, hardly seen sad. Vary playful and hyper and loves friends
Love life: in a relationship
Family: Kakashi Hatake (father), Seko Shinra (Sister), Titus Shinra (Brother-n-law), Cody Shinra (nephew)
Friends: Kimi ((iPadfoot)), Craig ((l337pyrox)), Luke, Ryuu, lots of others...
Enemies: Kenji?
Pros: Vary loyal, cheers you up if you're down
Cons: Can be slow at times
Job(s): None yet (Need one...)
Tattoos: two, one on each arm
Piercing: None
Bio: When Daisuki was 3 years old, his sister Seko was born. He played with her and his parents until his mother died a year later. He became depressed but was still glad to have his sister and father. When he was about 5 though, he was to take care of Seko while Kakashi left for war. Daisuki couldn't do it alone, but they were found and taken to an orphanage. They didn't like the orphanage, but there were some boys that taught him how to steal and sneak around. After about 3 years at the orphanage, he snuck himself and Seko out. He used his skills to steal them food. He also taught himself how to defend. He eventualy began to teach Seko.While he was looking for somthing to steal one day, he was snached up and kidnapped. He was raised by the kidnapper, along with some other kidnapped boys. This man was too smart for Daisuki though, he caught him every time he tried to sneek out. Daisuki was forced to live there for 8 years. By then he had made a good friend with another young man. His friend said that after all they had been through they should be able to sneek out. So they tried once more. They were caught sneeking but they ran and was never captured. While Daisuki was resting for a while on his own, he began to think of his friend again. They were separated, because he was captured. He never though of going back to help him. He relised, that he loved this boy but he wasn't too startled by it. He didn't have much time to think though, or to go back to help his friend. Some of the men that worked for the kidnapper had found him and began chasing him all the way to town. This was when he was saved by his sister, though he didn't relise that it was her. He took her home and that was when he found his father. He was over joyed, especaly when Kakashi told him that this girl was Seko. They rejoiced together, happy that their family was togther again. Soon he found another boy that he thought he was in love with, but it turned out that this boy just had a lust for him, not real love. Daisuki was heartbroken untill he found a boy named Luke. They began to go out and soon Daisuki found out about Luke's ex...Ryuu. Daisuki liked Ryuu, but felt he couldn't leave another boy behind. He got the idea that Ryuu and Luke still liked eachother but didn't relize it. He got them together and they are now in a threesome but Daisuki steel feels he needs to go back and help his friend.
Other: I get bored easily but I'm entertained even easier my hobbies are: Reading, watching TV, listening to music ,staring off into space, day dream, chat with friends, play outside, playing board games. Oh and since I have never been to school and lived on my own for a while I never learned to read or write...but my family is teaching me
On another note, I am pregnant. But only those closest to me know why. Plese, do not ask. Oo;;

I am a mule to Seko Shinra