So i get home from work, right? (btw i work as a dishwasher at a resturant xp ) and its late... like, 8 10 or something. and all i want to do is kick back and watch tv or get on the computer or something. well my brother comes up to me and says, "Jamie! the new Sufjan Stevens album came out today!" "omg are you serious?!?" so i quickly change out of my comfy lounge pants (aka pajamas) and get my wallet. we drive for 45 min to the nearest Hastings. and lo-and-behold... they have it heart blaugh heart we go home with four new CDs. Sufjan Stevens, The Avalanche. Wolf Parade, Appologies to the Queen Mary. My Bloody Valentine, Loveless. and The Velvet Underground, Andy Worhol. all of them fantastic albums. we got home at about 10 30 and proceded to listen to all of our great purchases.