Bored....wasting time
I'm bored today and IT IS SO HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I'm in the middle of a quiz that has something to do with emos I think....whatever emo means.Nobody ever tod me the meaning of that word......who made up that word anyway?Well,it doesn't matter.It won't change the fact I didn't get memo about the words.I wish my parents would let me donate,then I could get the elogant veil,it is so pretty and I want it.But my says the donation thng is a scam,I didn't argue.I don't think its scam,but know that I'm not suppused argue with my parents.So since I'm bored and I need to wait to make another post for the quiz I'm also altering my dream avi.Its going to have everything it had before,but I'm adding some stuff.Jenna would be annoyed and say that my dream is cluttered.I say its just extravagant.I'm gonna add the veil to my dream avi,but it take forever to get it.Well,can't think of anything else write right now.