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Here lies KillGothic the comic...May it be made...And someday read once again...
Logan....an RPC intro 1 of many
dragon sat in a chair in a dark corner and looked around "now where I lock that kid up...im thirsty.." he got up and headed to the cellar where humans are chained up.

dragon reached the cellar and went in. "Hey kid you in here?..." he grinned spotting the kid.

" MY NAME IS NOT KID!!!!...ITS LOGAN" sad tears falling down his cheeks from the pain of the chains being to tight cutting into his wrist "let me go.....I didnt do anything......"

he smiled "so kid....whaddaya think about being a vampire?...."

he looked at him confused "...but in a neko....how can I be a vampire??...."

he smiled "so kid....whaddaya think about being a vampire?...."

he looked at him confused "...but in a neko....how can I be a vampire??...."

"I can bite you, drain you of your blood enough and give you some of mine...so really youll be a half...otherwise your just my snack..." he grinned

logan looked at him eyes wide "no....I dont wanna be a snack your an a**...." tears dripped down his cheeks. he looked up at the ceiling and thought "someone please save me" cry

Its just an idea anyone like it?...

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