So anyways One day I was powerwalking down the street and this mutant radiactive turtle attacked me! I was sad, it slapped me in the face. SOOOOO.... I ran into a pole, then before I knew it, an army of flying turtlets were shooting at me waving their little fins, I ran in a circle and got a hangover.

The next morning I woke up I was in the hospital ran by dogs. They were wearing huge 80's glasses and little frilly pink skirts. I screamed my head off and jumped out the window of 50 storey building.

I landed on a flying chicken who granted me 3 wishes but I didn't know that now did I. The flying chicken flew me away to nevorland where I found The Lost Boys and then I magically teleported back to Australia realising that none of this ever happened and I was just really drunk. How sad.