-Cat (Taco) is warming up to me I think, I did manage to brush her down today and give her lots of pets but she is still running away.
-Also went to YS's house to feed her cat, who was surprisingly friendly!
-updated Finch goals so that hopefully my productivity can improve
-finished off the last boss of Terraria on ganggang earlier today - feel kinda sad that it's over actually lol. But I can still work on the steam achievements on my own world and do a Corruption world too.
-so lazy to meal prep... didn't prep the chicken... guess I have to do that tmr, ugh. It's technically a holiday, i dont wanna go to skule....
anyways plans:
-wake up, breakfast (iced tea, bread and egg)
-feed cat
-pack lunch (sandwich and apply juice, maybe cookies)
-go to skule, do the thing prof wanted done, also finish wtv i was doing on thurs, and work on ADI slides
-go home whenever u are done (pls buy kimchi on the way home)
-cook dinner (pork belly lettuce wraps + eat leftover bok choy)
-meal prep chicken
-terraria/chill idk