Entry and New Dream Avis....I really gotta stop that....
Okay....I dunno....I'm like uber torn....I feel bad cause I'm like split between friends....There's Krystal and them well I think it's a them sweatdrop ....want to do something for my birthday, then there's a girl I've known since I was twelve and I work with named Janell who wants to do something for my birthday to (we use to go to girl guides together....man good times lol)...So I dunno what to do...I guess I could try to have them attempt to agree on something but last year that didn't turn out to well....So I dunno...I'm like stuck in the middle so maybe not having a party or anything would be good?
Just forget it...If you've known her longer, then go with her...I don't really care anymore...
Chantarelle-Talon Community Member
Tue Aug 15, 2006 @ 08:23am
Actually we lost touch after girl guide camp one year and we just recently became well sorta friends....But fine, I will.
And if your mad at me for that, that's pretty petty...
at least she's there for me and doesn't call me a selfish b***h whenever i don't agree with something.....
0oMusic of the Nighto0 Community Member
Tue Aug 15, 2006 @ 02:40pm
Petty?! Oh my god....How would you feel if one of my old friends came back into my life and I let them plan a birthday party for my sweet sixteen instead of letting you do it if you wanted to do it? I feel betrayed Alex, and it's not something that you'll be able to fix..
Chantarelle-Talon Community Member
Tue Aug 15, 2006 @ 08:20pm
It's just a birthday. I'm not letting her plan it either. I just don't want to have this huge deal made of one day. It's just a 16th birthday....not that big of a deal. 16 wow yay...It's not like I can drive or anything.