Made for what I hear about different people:
Fags,queers, why do people use these words?do they feel good? or do they feel hurtful? when a person says these to you or you friends. I heard my feminine male friend called a f**, i didnt stick up for him. I felt horrible and he became angry. He became enemies with that person and in the process made himself look like a fool. I am truly sorry I didnt stick up for my dear friend. But someone else did I admire that person. She stood up for my friend and I learned a vaulable lesson. A few days later i saw a person with a speaking problem who was in a regular class get picked on. a boy yelled 'your a loser' to her over and over at her when we were going to class. I saw this and yelled at him 'Shup up, London!' (his name) and he did his was surprised anyone would speak up for her. even thougth i am not her friend i feel sorry for her, she only has 2 friends and everyone avoids her. they call it social suicide to be around her. I am still not her friend but i will stick up for any person i see harassed. You people should also its ur duty as a human being to help other people. Even if u dont like them. I now stick up for my male friend every time his is called a pansy or a f**, because thats what anybody should do as a person.
dj_roses · Sun Aug 20, 2006 @ 02:28am · 2 Comments |