Donnie Darko
Final Destination 3
[D]ark.[A]ssassin Community Member |
*Iris walked down the street towards the metro, but stopped suddenlyseeing a shadow appear behind her. Quickly she ran into the nearest alleyway and reached for her gun, but found that it wasnt there* s**t *she thought looking around for a wepon*
Whats the point of life if you have no one to share it with?? No, i dont want to go to Neverland Lets fly away, away to Foreverland Where the dreams are more than thay seem And Nightmares scream and cry But dont sit by the river and watch them die For you will join the Gods of Everlasting Sighs Where the Nightmare live and thrive As the dreams all run and hide In the River of Neverending Crys The inbetween world of Everland Where the Nightmares and Dreams Forever battle And love and happyness are Never together But then again, lets fly away to our own little place A little world known as Togetherland Where we can see eachother face to face Stay and laugh, Sing and dance Joke and play, and sleep all day So, you and me, Forever, in Togetherland, to leave Never |
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