Once upon a time...
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v164/Blogs/Avatars/me.bmp" align="right">Gaia Journals should NOT have that Cancel botton D:&
Happy New Years x 200 People! If you heard that for a billion times already, I just add x200 to that. ^_______^
Anywho, story of the MP (Marketplace) I was trying to sell something from my inventory... and I saw that I had a present box from someone. I thought it was a random event that I probably forgot to open. Or something. So I went to go look at it. It was a gift from Gabriel Laurel. ^________^ I seriously thought it was going to be another cig. I got like 3 of those for x-mas. x.X;; I was a little hesitant to open it but Anywho. It actually wasn't a cig. It was the Cat scratch hat. &3333 *squee*
I was planning on getting that hat too. Once I get the gold. I spent so much this year on stuff for people, and I'm trying to save for that pixel art that I want. o______O THANKS SO MUCH GL and EVERYONE who gave me a gift this [last] year. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!
Yea, I want to change my avatar but Gaia isn't letting me at the moment. I just want to dress like VO and it's even cooler because it's backwards. XD SEE?
What's everyone's New Year resolution?
Mine is, Keep moving forward, Don't look back. Oh and stay safe kids. X3