Name biggrin usk Ashdown
Powers:Alchemy , Black Magic , Demonic Magic , unknown other powers. Can transfer magic through books , weapons , and alchemy circles. xp
Dusk Ashdown is the incarnation of Legault BlackHeart , a half demon. Never knowing this , he and all others were surprised that a son of a normal alchemist and mage could do demonic magic.When they realized this they figured he was too dangerous to keep alive. His father attacked him one day and his mother defended him , getting killed. After seeing this (He was 5 at the time) he cringed and hid. As his father pulled up the planks hiding him and was about to stab him , him and the other men suddenly keeled over Dusk ran out crying and eventually found his way to the school of demonicly gifted were he meets sakata. (Hopefully once i apply into it)
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