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View User's Journal

Welcome to my world heart
Chapter 1


It was a cold winter night for the busy streets of down town Manhattan. There was only a couple of weeks left before Christmas and every one was doing there last minute shopping done before the holidays. Well every one except one that is. Elizabeth Furn had done her shopping a month before the holidays so that way she could help her parents with the decorations.
Every year Mr. and Mrs. Furn go all out on decorating their house for any holiday of the year. A couple years back, when Elizabeth was 15, her parents made a grave yard out of their own front yard for Halloween. Christmas was the big holiday to get all excited about. Mr. and Mrs. Furn put up lights, a big tree, tinsel, ribbons, the whole chinchilla, and Elizabeth mom bakes a wonderful Christmas dinner. Which every year Elizabeth looks forward to. The smell of home made pies cooking in the kitchen made Elizabeth want to eat a whole pie by herself. When she was little Elizabeth and her dad used to steal a couple of slices when Mrs. Furn wasn't looking.
That was a long time ago. Now they can't afford a lot of decorations. Elizabeth still wants to help with the decorations this year, they just won't be as pretty. The Furns live in this two bedroom apartment for a good seven months now. The building was old and shabby. It looked like it would fall over if someone sneezed to close to it. It wasn't in a great neighborhood either. Every night you would hear gun shoots or the ambulance with it's loud sirens turn down her street. Elizabeth hated the place and would often wish it would just fall over one day, so they'd have to move again. As much as she wanted to she never said that out loud to her parents.
Elizabeth knew her parents couldn't afford anything better because her father lost his job and Mrs. Furn was unable to work. Mr. Furn was a lawyer for a very important business. When the business lost a court case Mr. Furn and a lot of other employees where fired. They lost pretty much everything in a few short weeks. They had to move from their lovely home on the beach to the run down apartment in down town Manhattan. Elizabeth had to transfer school and leave all her friends. It was hard on a seventeen year old girl. Mrs. Furn was unable to work because she had a slight brain damage do to her last job. Even thought they were poor, well other then Mr. Furn's pay as a janitor at Elizabeth's new school, they were content with their new lives.
When Elizabeth became poor her friends stop calling her and stop sending her letters. She got the hint that she only had friends because she was rich. Now that she's poor none of her old friends want anything to do with her. That was fine
with her. She didn't think they were real friends any way. If they didn't like her after she was poor why should she try and keep them as friends. In her new school no one talk to her except a girl named Cindy. Cindy was a shy girl with short brown hair. Cindy consider Elizabeth a friend, but Elizabeth just thought of Cindy as a sweet girl that was nice to her on her first day of her new school. Either way Elizabeth didn't care just as long as she had some one to talk to.
Elizabeth wasn't one to be shy, but being in a new school where every one judges you was hard on her. With no friends to talk to, Elizabeth became shy which made her depressed. She didn't want to be shy and she tried to get people to like her the way she was, but no one cared about her. Elizabeth wants friends that like her and aren't trying to be her friends because they feeling sorry for her. Which where Elizabeth's goal beings, trying to find some that cares.
Elizabeth was walking home from Cindy's house two weeks before Christmas. Elizabeth's mom wanted her to get out of the apartment and since Cindy was the closest person she had to a friend she went there. She spent the whole day there with out meaning to. Time past by quickly that day. It was eleven o'clock by the time she had left Cindy's house. She said her good bye and left. She knew if she didn't get back to her apartment before eleven thirty her mom would worry and she didn't want her mom to worry about her.
It was cold that night colder then usual and Elizabeth was glad that her mom made her where the jacket her grandma gave to her. It was black and had fake fur around the neck. She didn't like it for that reason, but it kept her warm so she shut herself up so she didn't complain about it. She quickly walked home hoping her mom was asleep, but most likely she wasn't and she'd hear it from her mom when she got home. Elizabeth walked past a store that had a beautiful angel in the window. It had long golden hair and a god like face. It was very pretty and Elizabeth noticed the hand moved every time she made a movement in front of it. She knew it was motion censored and she couldn't help, but wave back at the waving angel. She smiled and stop herself thinking it was stupid to wave to an object that wasn't really waving at her, but to anyone that pasted by.
When she was smiling she noticed something move behind her in a reflection of the window. She didn't see it at first, but when it moved she saw it more. It was a man across the street, he was staring at her. Elizabeth head started to spin and sirens were going off in her head, warning her to get moving. She continued to walk quickening her pace to get as far away from the guy as possible. While walking she heard the mans foot steps not to far from her. She knew then that she was being followed by him. She kept thinking to herself that he was probably just heading home the way she was. Just to make sure she turned down an ally way to see if he was really following her or not. He didn't follow her into the ally way and she was relived.
She continued to walk into the ally way and she just decided to take the
back way instead of the main way. The ally smelled of rotting garbage and dead things. She just plugged her nose and continued on her way. After what felt like twenty minutes Elizabeth couldn't handle the smell any more. She left the ally way and back on to the street again where she could breathe. She looked up at a street sign to see if she was close to her home, but she wasn't. She didn't see or recognize any signs, she was lost. Fear rose in her, but she clammed herself down. She said to herself that she'll just take the subway and she'll be home in no time. She nodded to herself and headed for the subway. The wind picked up and Elizabeth had to pull her jacket closer to her face to keep the cold, chilly air off her rosy cheeks. She looked at her watch to check the time. Her watch was pink with little purple flowers around the face of it. It was childish for her age, but she didn't care. Her mom gave it to her when she turn sixteen. She liked it because her mom gave it to her and it meant something more then just a present she knew her mom couldn't really afford.
The watch read eleven fifteen so it wasn't as late as she thought it might have been. She made it to the subway safely with no one in sight, but when she got there she felt eyes upon her. She looked from side to side, but saw nothing. “A dollar fifty.”, said the man behind the ticket booth. Elizabeth shook her head and pulled out her wallet. She looked behind her just to make sure, but saw no one again. The man gave her a concern look and asked, “Are you alright there?” Elizabeth gave him the money and nodded. “Thanks.”, she said as the man handed her her ticket and she left the ticket booth. She walked to her train and was cautions about any one there. She headed around a corner toward her gate and stopped dead.
There around the corner was that same man that was following her earlier. He smiled when he saw her, a smile that made Elizabeth's heart stop. He took a step closer to her, he was toying with her. Elizabeth knew what he was doing and she took a step back. “What's wrong honey? I only want to play. Don't you?” His voice was deep and had no life to it. It scared Elizabeth and she ran without thinking. The man didn't like her idea of running and ran after her. She sprinted toward the ticket booth hopping that he was there to ask for help, but when she got there he wasn't there. Fear and adrenaline rose in Elizabeth's frighten body. She headed for the outside to find some one there to help her. The mysterious stranger had other plans. He caught up to her grabbing her by the waist. He pulled her into the darkness of the subway station and tears began to weld up in her eyes.
Elizabeth let out a scream for help, but no one cared no one seem to have any interest. She squirmed to get free from his grasp, but it was no use. He was stronger then her she couldn't break free. He pulled her all the way to the other side of the subway station out of the people's vision. It wasn't like any one seem to care any way. Elizabeth was frightened she couldn't think straight. Her mind was somewhere else, she could taste her salty tears as they fell from her eyes. As soon
as they were in total darkness, he threw her up against a wall. Knocking her to the floor. Elizabeth pleaded for him to let her go. The man laughed and picked her up by the throat. Elizabeth couldn't breathe he was choking her. He watch her gasping for air and laughed again. “Awww babe if you die on me how will I have any fun? Besides your blood is no good to me when it's stopped flowing.” She couldn't take it if she didn't get air to her lungs then she would pass out and be really helpless. Elizabeth finally summoned enough strength to move her leg. She kick at him as hard as she could in the ribs hopping that it would knock him off of her long enough to catch her breath and get away.
It worked! The kick did it, but not as long as she'd hopped it would. She dropped to the ground gasping for air. Filling her lungs with delicious air. Taking in as much as she could. She straggled to get up using the wall for support, she didn't even care that her jacket had fallen off. She saw that the man was face down and didn't look like he was getting up any time soon. She sighed in relief and started to walk out. She was safe for the time being. That's when her leg was grabbed by force. Elizabeth turn her head knowing what had grabbed her. It was the man. His face was still face down, but he managed to know where her leg was. She tried to shake him loose, but he had a death grip on her. He looked up at her from the ground without getting up, just his head moved. Fear rose again in Elizabeth. His face was angry and he wasn't going to mess around any more.
He yanked her leg hard pulling her to the ground. She fell with a thud and was under the man's body in a split second. “That's it! No more playing around I'm going to finish you off.” He yelled in frustration and anger his eyes were filled with so much anger that Elizabeth wasn't sure if she was going to live through it. “Let me go please! I won't tell any one of this if you just let me go!” He answered her plead with a shake off his head. He lowered his face closer to Elizabeth. His face was close enough to her face that she could feel his breath. Fear fell into the girls eyes again. She was helpless. He had her pinned down. There was no where to move. She smelled blood in the air and wonder where it was coming from.
The smell of the blood must have excited the man. She heard a growling noise come from deep in his chest. A second later she heard a zipper and a cold hand touched her hip. “Stop it!” She screamed while trying to wiggle out from underneath him. His growl became louder when she tried to move. His tongue found it's way up her neck. Shivers went down Elizabeth's back and she began breathing hard. She heard the man sinker as her heart beat increased like he was listening to it. She felt his teeth against the skin or her neck. She was more then terrified, she couldn't move, think, or even blink. “Are you scared?” He hissed into her ear. “Aren't you having fun?”
“Please just let me go.” Was all Elizabeth could say with out messing up her wording.
“Nope.” He hissed into her neck. “Your blood smells to got to pass up right now.
So I'm going to enjoy you tonight my dr..........” His words were cut off. Elizabeth felt the weight of the man's body fall off of her. 'What's going on? Why did he just stop like that....... not that I care.' She heard foot step next to her she got up in a panic, but fell back down again. She must of banged her head on the cement when he pulled her down. The foot step she heard earlier were walking toward her. They got louder as they got closer. She looked into the blackness of the long hall, but it was no use, she couldn't see a thing. “Who's there?” She yelled into the darkness.
The foot steps stopped. Something grabbed her by the shoulder and pulled her up. Elizabeth slapped it away, but to her luck collapsed again as soon as she did it. Her head was pounding and what little she saw of the dark hallway was spinning to make matters worst. She tried to focus on the stranger that was now in front to her. “Who's there?” She asked again.
“Shh you shouldn't talk. Let me get you to a hospital.” Said a calm and soothing voice. The voice didn't sound worried or concerned, just clam and cool like nothing was wrong with Elizabeth.
Elizabeth shook her head. “No. I just need to get home.”
“Let me take you. Your not in a very good condition to be walking the streets of New York.” Insisted the velvet voice.
Elizabeth's head hurt to much to talk. She closed her eyes and just laid there. The stranger picked her up without any effort at all. When Elizabeth was closer to the stranger's face she could tell it was a young man. She struggled to get out of his arms, but the young man held her tightly and walked down the hallway. Slowly her eyes began to close. She felt a slight shake and the boy spoke again. “Don't fall asleep. You need to stay conscious for me while I drive you to a hospital. Looks like you're going to need stitches.” He smiled at her, but she could focus her mind to think. When she spoke it was mumbled and mixed up.
“I'm fine. I need to lay down. My mom will worry about me.”
“What's your phone number? I'll call her to tell you where you are. There is nothing to worry about.” His tone was gentle and soft.
“It's 555-3...” She didn't want to talk she just wanted to sleep, but he asked her more questions to keep her awake.
She didn't finish the number, but he didn't push her to tell him. After all he was still a stranger to her.
“So what's your name?”He asked trying to start up a conversation so she didn't try and fall asleep. Elizabeth felt the rumble of his voice in his chest as he asked her.
Elizabeth moaned from the pain in her head and reached up to touch her head. The blood was still dribbling and she heard a tear of fabric close to her ear. The young man handed her the ripped fabric and said, “Hold it against your cut to stop the bleeding.” She did as she was told and answered his question from before. “Elizabeth.” Was all she manged to say.
“Elizabeth.” He repeated to himself.
They made it outside and headed for his car. It wasn't parked far so the walk didn't take that long. His pace was fast to, but it wasn't in a hurry kind of pace he walked normal. They arrived at his car and in one swift movement the stranger had placed her into the seat of the car. He buckled her in and was in his sit less then a 5 seconds. He started the car and speed off down the road toward the hospital. Elizabeth began to close her eyes again, but felt a hand on her shoulder and opened them again. “Please don't sleep. I know it's hard because it's late, but you need to stay conscious for me just a little longer. Can you do that?” Elizabeth knew he was getting irritated by repeating himself, but his face and tone stayed clam just like before.
They made it to the hospital fast then expected. He pulled into the parking lot and quickly found a place to park. He cut the engine off and jumped out to open Elizabeth's door. She slowly slid out and he picked her up again. She protested saying she could walk, but he refused and carried her anyway. He brought her to the emergences room and was greeted by a nurse. She took one look at Elizabeth and called for a doctor. “Are you related to this girl?” The nurse asked looking at him then back down at Elizabeth. Elizabeth went to answer, but was cut off by the young man.
“Yes, I'm her brother.” He said to the confused nurse. They looked nothing alike, but she surged and handed him paper work to fill out. “Then you'll need to fill this out please.”
He took the paper from the woman and by then a wheel chair was being brought around for Elizabeth to sit in and be taken away. The strange, young boy didn't sit instead he walk off down the hall and disappeared around the corner. Elizabeth was wondering where he was going, but didn't have much time to think before she was put up on the operating table. The doctor examined her head and asked, “How did this happened?”
Elizabeth didn't want to let him know what really happened so she lied. “I tripped and fell at my friends house.” She lied hoping he would by the story which she thinks he did because he didn't really seem to be interested in it any way. The doctor injected anesthesia into her shoulder and she was beginning to feel drowsy a second later. She slowly drifted to sleep.
While she was sleeping she had a dream of that night. The same man that attacked her, but this time no one came to her rescue. She awoke with a scream. Breathing fast she panicked when she noticed she wasn't at the hospital any more. She was in a car moving fast down the busy streets of Manhattan. She sat up in the seat and heard soft classical rock coming from the car radio. “Glad to see your awake.” Came a sweet voice from up front. Elizabeth looked over to the drivers seat and saw that same young man that helped her late last night. The ends of her lips pulled into a half smile and she started to blush. The boy in the drivers seat looked at her from the review mirror and smiled.
“Thank you.” Elizabeth mumbled so quietly she didn't even hear herself say it, but he heard just fine and continued to smile.
“You do not have to say thanks. If only I had gotten there sooner Elizabeth. You wouldn't of needed to see a doctor.” His smile disappeared from his face and was replaced with sadness.
“Where are you taking me?” She changed the topic to get him to stop talking about last night.
“I'm taking you home.” He said in that same sweet voice.
“You know where I live?” She asked confused. She didn't remember tell him.
“I looked up your phone number in the phone book and called your mom. I told her what had happened and said that you would be safe with me.” He looked at her again in the review mirror.
'So that's where he went off to.' She thought to herself. She saw the clock on the dash board. “Oh my god! It's seven thirty in the morning!” She looked out the window and saw hat the sun was a little ways up in the sky. The young man laughed and said, “Don't worry I told your mom you'd be safe. She told me all the information to fill out the paper work.” He laughed again, “Your mom insisted that she'd pay me for my help and to tell the hospital to bill her, but I refused the offer and tole her that I'll take care of he bill.” He looked forward again.
Elizabeth thought to herself for awhile asking herself why this stranger from out of no where was being so nice. She guess that not all people are mean. She still felt bad that her family was taking advantage of him and said, “You don't have to do that really.” She looked down at her feet. He looked her again through the mirror again. “No I think I do.” His lips pulled into a wide grin. The rest of the way home was quiet. Before long they were in the drive way of Elizabeth's old apartment. He turned off the engine and got out to help Elizabeth out of the car.
He grabbed her by the waist and helped her up the stairs. He mostly carried her because she was still a little out of it, but he didn't seem to mind. She was beginning to notices these little things that he was doing. Like him being able to pick her up with out any problem at all or when he was holding her and grabbed the paper work at the same time with out dropping her or the paper work. Maybe Elizabeth was just thinking to much or this guy was something else. He carried her all the way up to her door and Elizabeth just said walk in.
When They arrived Elizabeth's mom was asleep on the couch. She looked like was waiting for her to come home. She had the phone next to her and a cup of coffee on the table next to her. Elizabeth couldn't help, but smile. Her mom must have called the police and any one who she knew to help her clam down her nerves.


User Comments: [4] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Sep 09, 2006 @ 04:54pm
Hope you guys liked it. I'll be adding more when I finish the next chapter. xd

commentCommented on: Sat Sep 09, 2006 @ 06:53pm
It was quite enjoyable ^^ I look forward to the next chapter!

Community Member
Sun Goddess D.J.
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Sep 30, 2006 @ 08:28am
Whoa I kept geting lost so it took me a while to read i had to put my finger on the screen to quit getting lost over all those lines! it very good i'll read the other chapters later. I have to go to sleep.

commentCommented on: Sun Oct 22, 2006 @ 01:44am

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