Name: Monkey
Race: 1/3 wolf, 2/3 human
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Height: 5 Feet 7 Inches
Weight: 115
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue with a hint of Red
Skin: White
Skills in: Fighting, Ninja Ways
Class: Expert Ninja
Rank: Expert
Weapons: Throwing knives, Long Thin Sword, Small Disk Shield, Throwing Disks
Good/Evil: Evil ((Most likely is going to start to turn Good))
Siblings: None
Pets: Shadow (Blitz), Kyo, Dew, and Cinnamon
Pet Sories: ((In order I got them in))
Shadow/Blitz: ((Can be called by either name)) Shadow/Blitz is a multi-tailed Wolf Demon. I found Shadow/Blitz hurt and bleeding, I mended and trained him. He has learned several ablitlies that include: Invisablity, Attack Skills, and Speed.

Kyo: A Snow White Tiger I found when exploring the snowy mountains.

Dew and Cinnamon: I found these two abondoned in a box. They are wolves.

Story: She grew up with her father, since her mother died in child birth, in a small village. She admired her father greatly and gave him respect.... Until she turned 6, the age when you can start training in her village to become a fighter. She begged her father greatly to let her train, but he said no every time.
Monkey had lost total respect for her father and disagreed with everything he said. She decided to train on her own growing stronger very slowly every day. A year passed and she got in a terrible fight with her father. The yelling hardly stopped for an hour. Her temper grew and she saw a long thin sword on the wall in the cornor of her eye. She grabed it and stabbed her father. The screaming stopped.
She took her sword and ran with the few things she had. The next day the villagers would wonder greatly of what had happened, but they will never know the truth.
12 years later she visited her father's grave. And hasnt visited the village since.
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