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x.X.Kurai.X.x Journal
Just some things that go on in my mind and random clips from FanFictions I am making or have posted on the internet. And odd quizzes you can take.
Fan Fictions!!!!
Alright I have finally stopped being lazy and have worked on some of those Fan Fictions I have mentioned a while ago. ^___^ So I will first start off with my Naruto one:

(First link leads to animespiral, the second leads to FanFiction.net)

Be Careful What You Wish For (AnimeSpiral)

Be Careful What You Wish For (FanFicton.net)

Here is info that is currently going on with them on each of the sites:

(On AnimeSpiral)

Be Careful What You Wish For
Current Chapter Number:
Current Content Rating: T for Teen. +13 (Mild Swearing, Violence, and some Sexual Content)
Expected Ending Content Rating: M for Mature. +16 (Swearing, Violence, and Sex)
Last Updated: 8-13-06
Excuse For Not Updating: I do not have enough reviews. I will update as soon as I can.

(On FanFiction.net)

Be Careful What You Wish For
Current Chapter Number:
Current Content Rating: T for Teen. +13 (Mild Swearing, Violence, and some Sexual Content)
Expected Ending Content Rating: M for Mature. +16 (Swearing, Violence, and Sex)
Last Updated: 7-30-06
Excuse For Not Updating: FanFiction is being a butt to me at the moment so I am not able to correct the other chapters that I have uploaded, but I shall update as soon as I am able to.

Alright here is a bit of a review on what it is about:

What happens when a new girl comes to Konoha? She has a mysterious past that only a few people know about, but why is Sasuke interested about her and her past?

Clip from first chapter: Sakura went running up to a girl that had hair the same color as Sasuke’s, but it went down to her knees. Her eyes were a beautiful purple. “Hello, my name is Haruna, Sakura,” she said to the mysterious girl. When the girl just stared at Sakura with cold eyes that also reminded her of Sasuke’s, she continued, “You must be the new student that all the teachers were talking about.” The girl said nothing, so Sakura asked, “So, what’s your name?”

The girl stared at Sakura for a few more moments and said, “My name is Kurayami, Kurai. It is nice to meet you, Sakura.” Kurai’s voice was cold like Sasuke’s, because it held hardly any emotion.

“So, have you made any friends yet?”


“Do you want to be friends?”

“It depends…”

“On what?”

“If you annoy me or not.”

“Umm, okay. So, have you met the hottest guy in school yet?”

“Is his name Uchiha, Sasuke?”

“Yes, so you have met him?”

“No, but all the girls in this school talk as if they would want so badly to ******** him.”

“Sakura was a little surprise by what Kurai had said, but continued, “Do you want to meet him?”

“I guess, I want to see what is so special about this Sasuke,” Kurai answered. When Sakura said ‘Follow me’ she did. Sakura went bursting into a class room that Kurai noticed the be her class, she knew then that Sasuke and her would be in the same class. Sakura stopped in front of a desk that a boy sat, now glaring at Sakura.

(Alright that was a bit long, but did it get you interested?)

OC (Kurai) x Sasuke

Next one on my list would have to be my InuYasha Fic:

(First link leads to animespiral, the second leads to FanFiction.net)

The Chosen One (AnimeSpiral)

The Chosen One (FanFiction.net)

Here is info that is currently going on with them on each of the sites:

(On AnimeSpiral)

The Chosen One
Current Chapter Number:
Current Content Rating: T for Teen. +13 (Mild Swearing, Violence, and a bit of Sexual Content)
Expected Ending Content Rating: M for Mature. +16 (Swearing, Violence, and Sex)
Last Updated: 12-23-05
Excuse For Not Updating: My first excuse for not updating was that people were not giving reviews. I normally update after I get 10 reviews per chapter. But now that I have finally got the reviews I need I will now start to work on chapter thirteen. Thank you all for your trouble and be patient a little longer. Not to mention I kinda lost interest in this fic and I have to write/type it.

(On FanFiction.net)

The Chosen One
Current Chapter Number:
Current Content Rating: T for Teen. +13 (Mild Swearing, Violence, and a bit of Sexual Content)
Expected Ending Content Rating: M for Mature. +16 (Swearing, Violence, and Sex)
Last Updated: 7-30-06
Excuse For Not Updating: My first excuse for not updating was that people were not giving reviews. I normally update after I get 10 reviews per chapter. But now that I have finally got the reviews I need I will now start to work on chapter thirteen. Thank you all for your trouble and be patient a little longer. Not to mention I kinda lost interest in this fic and I have to write/type it.

Alright here is a bit of a review on what it is about:

When Kagome meets Rin in a forest and both get attacked by a demon, what will happen?

Clip from first chapter: Kagome had just cozy under her sleeping bag when she heard InuYasha jump down from his tree. That action made everyone sit-up and look at him, all except for the sleeping Shipp in Kagome’s arms. “InuYasha?” She asked as he sniffed the air. “InuYasha? What are you doing?” She asked again as he started to walk away from them. ‘Looks as if he caught the scent of Naraku,’ she observed.

“It’s him,” he replied in a hushed tone. “I can smell that horrible scent that is Naraku!” He nearly yelled. “Everyone stay here, I am going after that b*****d!” He then ran off into the dark forest.

“But InuYasha-”

Miroku cut Kagome’s protest by calmly saying, “Let him go. All of us will set out after him tomorrow.” With that said Sango and him laid back down.

“Okay…” Kagome replied weakly. ‘InuYasha…’ She looked into the fire. ‘Just don’t do anything to get killed.’

Big brown eyes looked around, landing on a green toad like demon. “Jaken?” The demon raised an eyebrow indicating that he was listening. Most of his attention was drawn to keeping a slowly dying fire alive. “I am going to pick mushrooms for Lord Sesshomaru and you. Is that okay?”

“Just don’t go to far Rin,” the toad stated simply. ‘Lord Sesshomaru would hurt or possibly kill me if anything happened to Rin. Why did my Lord have to leave me here with this human after he caught the scent of Naraku?’ Jaken thought to himself.

Rin grabbed a basket and hopped off into the forest. She hummed a tune that her Mother use to sing while picking mushrooms. She took turns and weaved past trees, not paying any attention to where she was going. Rin finally stopped looking around seeing that nothing looked familiar. ‘Where am I?’ She began to panic. ‘Oh no! I’m lost!’ Shakily she yelled, “Jaken? Lord Sesshomaru?”

(Alright that was a bit long, but did it get you interested?)

Sesshomaru x Kagome

Next one is my Kingdom Hearts One-Shots:

(First link leads to animespiral, the second leads to FanFiction.net)

Forgiveness (AnimeSpiral)

Forgiveness (FanFiction.net)

Here is info that is currently going on with them on each of the sites:

(On AnimeSpiral)

Current Chapter Number:
One (Complete)
Current Content Rating: M for Mature. +16 (Gore)
Expected Ending Content Rating: M for Mature. +16 (Gore)
Last Updated: 09/08/06
Excuse For Not Updating: I am done, just a One-Shot.

(On FanFiction.net)

Current Chapter Number:
One (Complete)
Current Content Rating: M for Mature. +16 (Gore)
Expected Ending Content Rating: M for Mature. +16 (Gore)
Last Updated: 09/08/06
Excuse For Not Updating: I am done, just a One-Shot.

Here is a bit of information about this One-Shot for you:

Summary: Warning: Lots of angst!
What happened to make everyone hate the loveable Sora? Read and Reveiw please.

Clip: "I don't love you anymore. I hate you..."

"I am sorry..."

"Hey isn't that the boy who disappeared a few years ago on the night of the storm?"

"Yeah, it does look like him..."

"What was his name again?"

"Who cares."

"Isn't he the same boy that-"

All the voices faded from his mind, as he screamed out in pain of the memories. "I am sorry..." he whispered as he drew his knees to his chest, slowly rocking back and forth. He then held his head in pain. "No...I said I was sorry..." Tears welled up and spilt over the pail skin of once rose colored cheeks. "Why...why did it have to be you?"

It had nearly been a year since that incident had happened, but everyday it haunted his memory. And everyday he became more mentally unstable. It started with him just staring out into nothing-ness, wishing there was some way that he could change the past. He refused to talk to anyone that approached him.


Sora x Riku

Next is my other Kingdom Hearts One-Shot:

(First link leads to animespiral, the second leads to FanFiction.net)

Untitled (AnimeSpiral)

Untitled (FanFiction.net)

Here is info that is currently going on with them on each of the sites:

(On AnimeSpiral)

Current Chapter Number:
One (Complete)
Current Content Rating: T for Teen. +13 (kissing)
Expected Ending Content Rating: T for Teen. +13 (kissing)
Last Updated: 09/08/06
Excuse For Not Updating: I am done, just a One-Shot.

(On FanFiction.net)

Current Chapter Number:
One (Complete)
Current Content Rating: T for Teen. +13 (kissing)
Expected Ending Content Rating: T for Teen. +13 (kissing)
Last Updated: 8-22-06
Excuse For Not Updating: I am done, just a One-Shot.

Here is a bit of information about this One-Shot for you:

It's a normal day in Destiny Islands for all of the teens. But today Sora decides to go to the Secret Place and draw on the walls like Riku, Kairi, and he use to do when all of them were little. Riku finds him there to find that Sora refuses to show him what he had drawn on the wall. Both find out that they don't like Kairi. But will they tell each other who they really like?

Clip: -scritch- -scritch- -scritch- scritch- -shuffle- -scritch- -scuff- Sora paused from drawing and looked around. He could have sworn he heard foot steps, but maybe he was just losing it. He then continued. -scritch- -scritch- -scuff- "Sora?" The brunette tensed up and looked around. "Is that you?" He then noticed the voice and quickly threw the stone, that he was using to draw, to the side. As the figure came into view he stood up and moved in front of the drawing, pushing his back up against it to hide it fully. Both of their eyes met in the dim lighting of the cave. "What are you doing?"

"Uhh...Nothing. Just you know...Looking at the old drawings that we did when we were younger." When the other raised an eyebrow he knew that the figure did not buy his story. After all he was bad at lying. Slowly in one fluid movement the person uncrossed his arms and took a step forward. "No Wait! Stay where you are!" Another step. "I am warning you..." The person stopped.

"Or?" The figure questioned. Sora then began to panic.

"Or...I'll...I'll tell Kairi that you like her." A playful grin crossed his semi-boyish features. It faded when the other's face went totally serious. "Riku?"


Sora x Riku

Now onto my Star Ocean Story:

(First link leads to animespiral, the second leads to FanFiction.net)

Untitled (AnimeSpiral)

Sorry there is not link for FanFiction.net at the moment, because I have to think of a title for this one, since I already have a story called "Untitled".

Here is info that is currently going on with them on each of the sites:

(On AnimeSpiral)

Current Chapter Number:
Current Content Rating: R for Rated R? xd (Swearing, Violence, and Sex there will be lots of fluff though)
Expected Ending Content Rating: R for Rated R? (Swearing, Violence, and Sex there will be lots of fluff though)
Last Updated: 09/09/06
Excuse For Not Updating: I am waiting for reviews, once I get ten I will work on the next chapter.

(On FanFiction.net)

Hope to have it up soon, as soon as I come up with a title.

Alright here is a bit of information about this story:

What happens when poor innocent Fayt gets turned into a child by accident and the only person willing and able to take care of him is The Wicked One?

Clip from first chapter: A blue haired male sat down taking a break from shopping. His emerald green eyes looked around at all the happy couples that passed him. He sighed and wondered if at one point in his seemingly pointless life would he ever really find that type of happiness. All that was left for him to do was save this whole universe from something called 'The Creator'. But he was not going to do this alone, he had allies, friends by his side to help him. But what was he was going to do or go when all this was over with he had no idea. He tried to tell himself that everything would work out in the end, but even he, the most positive thinking person in his group was having doubts. 'I could always go with Sophia...' He mused and shook his head.

He really did love the girl, but he had other things on his mind than settling down after all this was done. He wanted to explore other worlds and enjoy what life had to offer even though he was just data. Once again that was yet another thing that he kept on trying to think positive about. All the others had told him that everything was fine, that they were still living breathing beings even if they did not exist in 'the real world'. 'The real world...4-D Space...' He then looked away from an extremely happy couple that was displaying their affections quite clearly.

He got up and grabbed his shopping bags. 'You need to stop thinking like this Fayt. It is not good for you to think so negative, you might just turn into Albel if you don't stop.' His heart skipped a beat as he thought of the Crimson eyed katana wielder. He had imagined the cold glare suddenly making it's way towards him and he shuttered. Over his travels with the Katana wielder he could not help but notice how he felt about the other. 'Then again I don't know very much of anything now-a-days....Who knows I may not even feel that way...' He walked into a weapon store to see if they had any new armor that would help his friends or him any way.

(Alright that was a bit long, but did it get you interested?)

Albel x Fayt

And that is the end of everything that I have done. The other ones that I mentioned in my first post I am currently working on. I hope you guys check out these Fan Fictions that I posted today and review. I would really like it if you did. Later.

User Comments: [2] [add]
Master(Dues Necro)
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Sep 16, 2006 @ 04:12am
how long did it take you to write that?

commentCommented on: Sat Sep 16, 2006 @ 06:03am
xd Not that long...I would say about thirty minutes, but most of the time was taken up by trying to go on different websites and getting the links. But I think in the end it payed off. 3nodding

Community Member
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