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Sally's inner thoughts
Just a quick hello. How are you all? Here is will i will write/rant about certain things or post pictures, avi art or my dream avi's (if i ever decide to stop being lazy and make some!) I hope whatever i write entertains you ;) *~Sally~*
WARNING!!! I AM ranting in this!!!! All of this is me complaining, and if your not a personal friend, then...you might not understand most of the things i am complaining about. But, if youd like to know some of the inside jokes or would like to ask the meaning of somrhting, go right ahead (though i do not promise to answer ALL the time) So, yeah... Here goes. *Takes a deep breath*

Random Thoughts:

(1) What happends if you call someone on your cell phone then put it in the microwave? Would the person on the other end get electrocuted?
(2) Would i get expelled if i went up to my teacher, grabbed a spork, and poked her?
.....bother bother bother bother bother bother bother bother bother bother bother bother.....
(3) Does stale gum take longer to digest???
(4) How bored did the person who invented the liscence plate game have to be to invent that piece of crap?! I hate that game... Too much time on the road can kill ya
(5) ...The sun can suck it. Sunblock can suck it. The rain can suck it. The weather can suck it. The grass can suck it. The tree's can suck it. Allergies can suck it. Allergy medicine can suck it. Mountains can suck it. Cars can suck it. Crappy radio players can suck it. Cassettes can suck it. Cassette players can suck it. Anyone who still HAS a cassette or a cassette player can suck it. No cell phone reception can suck it. Elizabeth's cell phone bill can suck it (100-odd something dollars that month) Text messaging can suck it. The cost of text messaging can suck it. The color yellow can suck it. Now that i think about it, the color brown can suck it too. Its so....durrty. Ewww... My lack of cookie making skills can suck it. Elizabeth's growling, green cup-cakes (that taste a lot better than they sound, mind you) can suck it for scaring me. The scary guy in front of me can suck it. My chem class can suck it. Golf etiquet can suck it. Falling asleep in class can suck it. Boredom can suck it. This stupid blue pen im writing with can suck it. The blue IN this stupid blue pen can suck it. The blue sky can suck it. The reflection of the sky in the water making it also blue can suck it... Damn. Back to the weather again. The weather can suck it. My brain can suck it. The russian man who's having an affair with my mind can suck it. My non-existant boyfriend can suck it. My lack of love can suck it. Thinking about my lack of love can suck it. Not being able to make out can suck it. Not being able to make out with a cute emo boy can suck it. The cute emo boy that doesnt pay attention to me can suck it. Hott guys can suck it. Hot guys who make you think they like you and turn out to be gay can suck it. Boys in general can suck it. Love can suck it. Life can suck it. Death can suck it. Decomposition can suck it. Ants, larva, and cockroaches can suck it. All bugs can suck it. Flyswatters can suck it. These mosquitos DID suck it, but now... Ha ha ha! Bite me, will you. Vampires can suck it. Blood can suck it. (Blood sucking itself... There is a funny thought.) The "Underwold" (movie) can suck it. Tyler's wierd obsession with the "Underworld" can suck it (even though it was a good movie.) Stupid movies can suck it. Stupid T.V shows can suck it. Reality T.V can suck it. American Idol can suck it. Bad singers can suck it. Good singers can suck it too. Country can suck it. Rap can suck it. (Country + Rap = Crap) People who talk too much can suck it. The loud, annoying football kid next to me can suck it. He never shuts up... If i ever get strep throat, then i will breath on him and he will lose his voice. Peace... Silence, sweet silence<3 I wish he was mute. Stupid jokes can suck it, cause they really so suck. People who repeat said stupid jokes for a whole class period every single freaking day can suck it. Girls who never stop gossiping can suck it. Gossip itself can suck it. Drama can suck it. People who start drama can suck it. You know what? People in general can suck it. Clothes can suck it. But its better then not having any, because nudists can suck it... They probably do most of the time anyway. I wonder if they get really bad sunbruns or if they get rashes from putting sunblock in certain places. Ewwww... Nudists beaches can suck it. Old people who think its cool to walk around in their underwear and answer the door half naked can suck it. People who think its cool to ding-dong-ditch can suck it. Lord of the Flies can suck it. Jack can suck it. The hunters can suck it. Piggy and Simon can suck it because they died. Rodger can suck it becuase he reminds me of Hannibal Lector. Creepy cannibals can suck it. Hillbillys can suck it. People who listen to country music, are hillbilly's and are cannibals can triple suck it. They are like human straws. Wow...that would be scary, wouldnt it? People walking around in huge straw costumes like Barney... *Whimpers* BARNEY CAN SUCK IT! He scares me... *Cries* The TellyTubbies (or how ever the ******** you spell their name) can suck it. Pee Wee Herman can suck..himself. He probably already has... Dirty b*****d. Cant believe i use to watch that show... What the ******** was wrong with me?! Anywas...back to ranting. Um....where was i? Oh yeah! Hey! YAY! That guy left! Finally... Poor Jon-Jon. Now he has to deal with him. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! My teacher is in a bad mood, so bad moods can suck it. Well, i guess my English class can suck it. The CASEE people can suck it. They are boring me to tears over here damn it! Somebody save me... They sound/look as if they are on crack, so they probably DO suck it. Crack whores can suck it. Where's Jonathan (mine) when i need him??? Probably ******** some random whore... *Growls* Lucky b***h. *Is bitter now* My lack of my Jonathan can suck it. My HUGE amount of jealousy can suck it. This stupid essay that i have to write now can suck it. This damn study guide they just handed me can suck it. I like description, so description doesnt suck it. [-Note-] Go to page 86 in English study guide to see the CASEE crack whoriness~ness~ness~among more ness~ness...ness... <.<....>.>.... Riiiiiiiight...anyways, business letters can suck it (even thought im GREAT at writing them) The Hudsucker Proxycan can suck it, although it was a good movie. Hoola Hoops can suck it. I never did learn how to use one of those mutha ********.... Grrr... Memo to self: Learn to hoola. Four square was always fun, but i use to get hit in the face with the ball, so it can suck it as well. Recess can suck it. Who's Holt? Holt can suck it. His books can suck it. All text books can suck it. Especially the heavy ones. Speaking of heavy, heavy backpacks can suck it. Walking around carrying said heavy backpack can suck it. Back problems can suck it. Lockers dont have to suck it, but jamed lockers CAN suck it. Full lockers can suck it. Freshmen can suck it. Annoying, tall freshmen with their locker above mine that never move out of my way until i push them out of the way can suck it. The CASEE testing can suck it. Our freaky CASEE bell schedule can suck it. [-Note-] "If you talk, then you get your test taken away. Wether you are done with your testing or not." So, the "talk nazi's" (as i am now calling them) can suck it. Gum nazi's can suck it too. Bad math teacher's can suck it. Tug-o-war can suck it. People who like to play tug-o-war can suck it. People with microphones can suck it. DDR can suck it! (Cause i cant play it! XP) ITG (In the Groove) can suck it too! People's wierd obsession with clothes can suck it. Artificial people can suck it. Shallow people can suck it. People who are in the way of the board can suck it. Chocolate can suck it. Unsour candies can suck it. Gum that you cant blow bubbles with can suck it. English homework sucks... Homework can suck it; period! Little school desks can suck it. Clocks with the wrong time can suck it. Last year's calendars can suck it. Stupid school posters can suck it. DVD players that cant/wont work can suck it. Computers can suck it. Computer keyboards can suck it. Boardgames can suck it, because i never have anyone to play with. People who dont like peeps can suck it. People who dont like the color green can suck it. The White Supremisist can suck it. Birds can suck it. Spiders can suck it. Flirts can suck it. Watches can suck it. The time can suck it. Dorito's, Ruffles, Lays can all suck it. Manicures can suck it. Tap water can suck it. Zippers can suck it. Guys who get their zippers stuck REALLY suck it. Erasors suck it. Odd numbers can suck it. Taggers can suck it. The number 7 can suck it. Girrafes can suck it. Alex and James can suck it....together. They can suck each other for all i care. They probably already did anyways... Cheerleaders can suck it...or they can suck Alex and James. Ewwww... Hardcore prep orgy. Hardcore prep orgies can suck it. Fractions can suck it. All Jon's can suck it...together...including the hardcore prep ogry. The new AC/DC can suck it. The new Gun n Roses can suck can suck it too! My soap flavored jacket can suck it....cuz Elizabeth wont anymore. Algebra can suck it. Frogs can suck it. Dead frogs can suck it. Disected frogs can suck it. Biology teachers can suck dead, disected frogs...and they will like it...or i will beat them with said disected frog. Either way, they WILL get frog. Seven up can suck it. Most sodas can suck it....except the orignal coca cola...cuz i will suck that. Pot heads can suck it. Doodles can suck it. My (random) doodle hearts can suck it. Fig Newtons can suck it. Figs can suck it. Dried fruit can suck it. Thomas Jefferson can suck it. The Founding Fathers can suck it. The Constitution can suck it. The Supreme Court can suck it. 3 legged things can suck it. Marxx and Midnight can suck....eachother. Polka dots can suck it. Recycling cant suck it... [-Note-] SAVE THE COWS! EAT TOFU! Egg shells can suck it. Rugs can suck it. Quiet people can suck it. Shy people can suck it. Chalk boards can suck it. Chalk can suck it. Floresent lights can suck it. All light can suck it. E=mc2 can suck it. Einstein can suck it. Long sticks can suck it. Pencils can suck it. Sinus can suck it. Randy can suck it. Shoes can suck it. Socks can suck it. Our school colors can suck it. On and off relationships can suck it. *Thinking abot Jonathan again* A lot of stupid people who think they know what "love" means but really dont can suck it. Blocks can suck it. Logos can suck it. Silly Putty can suck it. Elizabeth's hand sanitizer can suck it. Triangles can suck it. Octagons can suck it. Rectangles can suck it. Cubes can suck it. The Cube trilogy can suck it. The unfoundable Cube 3 movie can suck it. Stupid, dense guys who dont notice you nor your feelings towards them can suck it. Guys who dont understand how much you mean to them can suck it. Guys that underestimate how much they mean to you or how much you love them can suck it. Dogs can suck it. Penguins can suck it! (<---Inside thing) Peguin wannabe's can suck it (people who TRY to be your "penguin." wink Stupid posers... Catfish can suck it. Certificates can suck it. Daplomas can suck it. My job can suck it. Little kids can suck it. Catchy songs can suck it. Love songs can suck it. Rascal Flatts can suck it. The song "Yes i do" and "Bless the Broken Road" can suck it because they make me cry! Tears can suck it. P.E can suck it. P.E teachers can suck it. Texas can suck it! California can suck it! The distance between California and Texas can suck it! The U.S.A can suck it! Our gay a** C average president can suck it. Mexico can suck it! Horses can suck it. Goats can suck it. Tarancholas on fire chasing you around your grandparents neighbor's yard can suck it. Chickens with their heads cut off chasing you around your grandparents yard can suck it. Stupid lady working in that one hamburger stand can suck it. Pineapples can suck it. Tomatoes can suck it. Onions can suck it. Cliques can suck it. Clicks can suck it. My lost glasses can suck it. Dial-up can suck it. *Thinking of Jon* Guys that dont return your feelings for them can suck it. Guys that say they return your feelings for them but have some excuse not to be with you can suck it. Lead pencils can suck it. Wigs can suck it. Fake teeth can suck it. Nature can suck it. Invisible swing sets can suck it. Squeeky noises can suck it. Food poisining can suck it. My brother-in-law can suck it. High schoolo can suck it. Teenagers can suck it. Ages 13-19 can suck it. Growing up can suck it. Emo's can suck it. Skitso's can suck it. Weekdays can suck it. Mondays can suck it. March can suck it. And you know what else? YOU! YOU can suck it too!

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Suzuko Amina
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Sep 11, 2006 @ 04:16am
holy s**t thats alot of writing!

commentCommented on: Sat Dec 09, 2006 @ 06:35pm

Uriel Amura
Community Member
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