What's wrong wit wifey? Dang that's a lot of W's. The reason I ask this is because my girlfriend/wife/soulmate is acting shifty. Alright check this out: I play the tuba in band and we had a game Friday night. I play pretty good but that night I was at my pinnacle! I mean, I was playin loud and good, I was dancing and swaying on que, I was catching all the ripples. Man, I was even out there humping my tuba (the ladies like it when you do that). Man, everything was going great. I was really just trying to impress her 'cause recently she's been constantly checking out my best friend, Rod. He's a pretty cool guy. He's like my brother from another mother. She found out he has six pack abs. (I don't, but I'm workin on it so there!) So she's constantly talking to him, about him, and everything like that. At first it only set me down a peg and was mildly annoying but now it's to the point where she completely ignores me! When we're on the phone she says nothing but when Rod's on the phone with both of us she's all happy and whatnaught. Rod plays the cymbals so he has to dance and spin alot. I'm not much of a dancer but I'm a lot better than I used to be. I've really been getting the impression that she doesn't want to be with me anymore. Like anytime we have a small argument she says something like, "That's why we don't need to be going together...." I'm like, what the crap?! After 6 months, you just wanna throw this away? I've spent well over 2,000 dollars on her in dimonds, emeralds, and gold and she wants to throw all of this away. Like for example, I wore a mechanic outfit to school just because I do stupid stuff like that and I was bored. She got so mad, she yelled and cussed, and tried to ignore me. Then when she got to lunch she was talking to Rod and was like, "He's always messing with me! His stupid self! He doesn't consider anybody else's feelings. That's why I said we shouldn't go out anymore!" Man. Stuff is real hectic. I'ma fill yall in when I get stuff sorted out but right now...I don't know...I'm feeling pretty crappy.
Denzell2 · Sun Sep 17, 2006 @ 07:15am · 0 Comments |