11:34 sep/17/06
well today is going really crappy... first my lil bro is soooooo anoying and hes like wahahahahahahahaha and i get in trouble! im goruned now but i snuck on to write this. im only grouned for a day and its ok i guess..... ugh i hate my life... its so ugh~! dramallama i hate how you only love 1 person for like 4-5 years and it turns out they hate you! i asked out the love of my life and what does she say? she says" i would rather go out with your best freind". can you believe that? i have pretty much devoted my life to her and what does she say? she says i suck. i learned today that somehow i met her on gaia. (pretty unbilivable huh?) and now she wont pm me. crying i really wish she would go out with me. just cause im a dork (in "cool" persons eyes) she doesnt like me. same with another girl and im torn now. be popular and have a GF or stay with my freinds and not have a GF? plz pm me to send me advice