Read this entry. I spent too much time on it for you to not. D<
Oh my gawsh. <3 I met someone at school today who plays Magivolve. AND. The shocker. They're personal friends with another moderator on there. I need to find her tomorrow, I would like to send her a PM. This time, though, I won't just listen to her long and wacky name, I shall write it down. We should start up a Magi club at school. <3 Really, though, I just wanna talk to the other mdoerator in person. I wanna pick their brain. And look at their car, I think my brother and I got stuck behind them in traffic once.
. . . But that would go against my code to not meet people I find online! D:~ Well, then I shant' do it. No gateway meetings for me. xD But I still wanna see his car. V<
My dad and I tried preserving some lemons once. He threw them out after about a week. "Whhhyyy?~~" "They went bad. It's been a week." "But they were preserved! That was the point! They don't go bad!" Then again, the lemons we tried preserving didn't taste that great to me. So it wasn't really a loss. But I wanted to keep the jar. ; 3;
We had an anti-drug assembly today. It was really powerful. Most assemblies like that, it's a speaker that has succeeded in life, and they say it's because they never did drugs. Or it'll be a group of people rapping and dancing, to explain to you the dangers of drugs. The only message that gets across to you in those things is how if you were on drugs while they were performing, you would have had ten times more fun. But this one was really different. It started out pretty light hearted, showing us a bunch of clips of people riding bikes and crashing, getting hit by something, and just general bloopers. Some were pretty amazing, others were just alright. Then this guy came out and talked to us, cracking a lot of jokes. He wasn't trying to act young, he wasn't trying to show off, he was just himself, and at that moment he felt like being funny. He pulled some kids down and had a dance-off, which ended because the remaining two dancers danced a bit too dirty. He did all of this to get our attention, and it really worked.
After a while, he started talking about his family, and his childhood. He had it pretty rough, born into an abusive family. He talked about how he would wear this mask when he went to school, he would pretend that everything is alright. When really at home some pretty terrible things were happening. It was why he started doing drugs. He explained to us how just one friend really helped him out. There were a lot of stories, a lot of things that everyone connected to. A lot of people cried. I was surrounded by a bunch of bawling girls. gonk I even got a little teary-eyed myself.
But all in all, a pretty powerful message was sent. Actually, a few messages were sent. I really hope I don't forget some of the things that were said. Those guys need to visit more schools, it was more than worth whatever money was put into it.
PE has been really tough on me. I just don't have the energy needed to do a workout that tough. I wake up every morning with sore muscles that last for days. I get tired around 7pm, too tired to focus on my homework. But then, I still have problems sleeping, and can't get my energy back. After class today, I got really light-headed, and I was worried I would pass out. I figured so long as I wasn't seeing spots, I'd be fine. I'm trying to eat more protein, more carbs. But it's hard when my parents are on Atkin's.
I'm reading "Stranger in a Strange Land" and I'm really connecting. For years and years, I've wondered what life would be like if I was suddenly born, right then and there. What's it like for a newborn, learning everything? What's it like to master your first language? What do you think in? And this book is satisfying those curiosities. x3 It's making me kind of giddy, and I don't want to put it down. Alas, but I must sleep!
Leamony · Thu Sep 21, 2006 @ 06:10am · 0 Comments |