"Ninjas are better than Pirates!" >.> <.<
When I was at Borders,I was looking for the manga of Naruto.I looked around and found it..But I only got one xp So,I went back with my dad and sister and my sister gasped and said,"Pirates!"(she's 19)it was a book by the way.Then when I went back to where I found the manga,this guy in the counter was like,"Ninja's are better than Pirates!"then he slowly went down and hid behind the counter.Then my sister said,"No their not..."..then he said,"Im sorry but the truth hurts.Ninja's are better..."...Then when we were going to leave,we went in line and my dad was paying for the book...Then the guy in the counter came over to get another person in line..and he called the next person in line.My sister moved out of the way and then he said,"Oh,I dont want them.They are Pirate people."(He was talking to us) xd xd