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Welcome to Gaia Fishing! You will need a rod and some bait available at the fishing shop. Click on one type of bait then click the mouse to begin casting. Watch the power meter and click again to cast. If you catch a fish, move your mouse side to side to keep it between the lines.
calm_icey_breeze: you guys have pretty font colors razz
robert243: lol
Bishie_Boy: um ty
Kurasuki: =[
robert243: nice hair p6
Mollins: weird, I haven't had a request
JJandthebansheES: thanks
calm_icey_breeze: hi p6
Mollins: what's your addy?
JJandthebansheES: hey
Bishie_Boy: request?
Mollins: P6 HAS GOTH LOLITA HAIR es ist krieg
JJandthebansheES: danke X3
Mollins: yer welcome
Mollins: so, JJ asl?
calm_icey_breeze: ORLY?
Kurasuki: *dances*
calm_icey_breeze: the bow :O
Bishie_Boy: ty
JJandthebansheES: i don't like giving them away Mollins. i'd like to keep a low profile ninja
Bishie_Boy: I like it too ^^
robert243: g2g
Mollins: hahahaha, are you embarassed razz
robert243: no
robert243: just im gonig lol
JJandthebansheES: no i just feel old v.v
robert243: going out for dinner
Kurasuki: Lalalalala
Mollins: not you razz
robert243: ive just gethered
robert243: lol
Mollins: hahaha, don't feel old
Mollins: I bet you arent that old
robert243: mollins aill add ya to my friends list
Kurasuki: =[
Mollins: klkl
robert243: bye
Bishie_Boy: Im old razz
JJandthebansheES: hey if i told everyone here my age they'd be all ewwww
robert243 leaves the chat.
Bishie_Boy: worse than 22?
Kurasuki: how old are you =[?
JJandthebansheES: 20 v.v
calm_icey_breeze: i'm 20 o.o
Bishie_Boy: seee
Mollins: hahaaha that isnt old
Bishie_Boy: :'(
JJandthebansheES: wait bishie's 22?
Mollins: am I the youngest in here?
Kurasuki: i am ;o
Bishie_Boy: yeh
Kurasuki: im 15
JJandthebansheES: well damn, i'm starting to feel better already ^^
Kurasuki: =[
Bishie_Boy: my ex is 24 so ha
JJandthebansheES: sorry kura ^^;
Kurasuki: why?
Mollins: yay not the youngest
Kurasuki: ;-;
Bishie_Boy: you seemed sad kura razz
JJandthebansheES: you look down that's why
Kurasuki: :O?
calm_icey_breeze leaves the chat.
Mollins: JJ, where ya from?
Ryoukai Seijin enters the chat.
JJandthebansheES: Florida o_O
Bishie_Boy: its alright jj
Bishie_Boy: me too
Mollins: hahaha gods waiting room
JJandthebansheES: oh? how so?
Bishie_Boy: or "america's wang"
JJandthebansheES: XD
Kurasuki: xDDDD
Mollins: hahahaha
Kurasuki: Yeah Canada <33
Mollins: Ok, So I'm the only one from over the pond then?
JJandthebansheES: gtg. my sister wants to get on
Kurasuki: yupp
Bishie_Boy: bye
Kurasuki: ;o
JJandthebansheES: you can add me if you want
Mollins: byedeebye
JJ Neufmois Community Member |