Kitsune Archangel
Kitsune Archangel
Kitsune Archangel
can i brow the out fit u used?ill give it back,just want to c what ill get score wise
Ummm No! first off the look was already in the arena and you would get flamed alot and second i dont lend out items to peopl i dont know... meaning only friends IRL i know can use them.
lol i knew u would say no but im gonna try and add u , lol im gonna try and get the pants i got 4416gp preaty close.
Umm first off why the heck are you trying to copy me .. there is no point. Damm get a avi that you like dont copy someone.
i like the naruto outfit its the best 1 ive seen plus naruto rocks and the cash id get would help being as im new and broke alot, lol
oh course it is the best one .. i'm a ATer .. which is a person that does good cosplays for gaia. and naruto is ok >>
u kiddin ok,its awsome lol
I told this guy to get a life naruto is not the best thing in the world ... damm people need to get out of the fantasy world they live in,or at least give me some of the drugs because i want to be there. rofl