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The Inner Workings of an Insane Woman
Just let the dreams cast away, and then you can see my far away. I dont let much be written down, but what is his is what is known to everyone around...
Wow I havent added a entry for a while.

I belive that the best thing to do would be to start off with school. My math teacher, Ayers, if I havent metioned her before, sucks. Now she is kind of nice, but in that weird kind of creepy way. Her smile is something that can send icy shivers striking down your backside. She is the Algebra 1 teacher for 8th graders who got into the advanced classes, and honestly I hate math so I dont know how I made it. Anyways, she cant teach. At all. Now I am not the only one that thinks this, and you might also think because it is a harder class. WRONG AGAIN. Even other classes, or friends that had her last year at basic math thought she couldnt teach. The only reason some people accept her is because you can do homework in class, that is if you understand it after she babbles the period away. Usually, I like a teacher who does that, but she does it in the most boring way possiable. What is really annoying, to add to all this, is that she changes homework in the middle of class, or she takes off points for doing something correctly. Yes I know this happens off and on, but she does it all the freakin time! So annoying, but at least I have a B+...

Anyways, moving on. My second period I have to walk across the street to the High School. Since I have been in advanced reading and language arts for so lnog I could take an lanuage in 8th grade at a high school grade level. The choice was either Spanish or German, I picked German. I will say that walking over every day is cool ,especially ebcause I get out of Ayer's class early so i can walk over there, and German is easier than Spanish, and we get less homework razz . Our teacher's name is Frau File. She is really nice, and I was really angry at this kid named Curtis when he was maknig fun of her. He had said, because she has cancer and has to go to kemo, was maknig fun of her ebcause she doesnt have any hair. If I had had the chance I would have beat his a** right then and there. a** hole. Anyways, in German class I love the people in it. My two best friends are there along with my team mates from Power of the Pen last year. Most people think they are weird, but they are actually quite funny. razz Anyways, we learn German songs, and watched four german guys trying to so slap me baby one more time by Britney Spears in German, it was hilarious! Plus some other videos that you would have had to been there to understand. Still, one funny one I will mentioned that you should look up is Eins, Zwei, Poliezei by Modo. Back to German class though, I had a great accomplishment at the begining of the year. I had the top grade in the class! yay me. Mostly because I got perfects on everything besides a quiz i didnt do that great on, but I still have an A. I was also laughing at my one friend because he was in first palce, but now is in second by .91 tenths of a grade. xd Still, I do need to study a little bit more for our chapter test this Wednesday.

Next period I have Sceince class. We have a cool teacher, who is a lot mroe exciting and funny then the other teacher Mr. Brown. I have heard by many he is really boring so I am glad I got the teacher that will randomly yell at you, he is itneresting to say the least. The first test though took a bad hit to my grade. Now I had been getting perfects in this class too, but what can you do. The test, since they are out of 200 points, brought my grade down to a B, but at least these are only midterm grades. Anyways now we are learning about the moon, great stuff huh..but it showed us how we got our moon, or at least the most accepted theory. The movie was kind of cool because it showed all the lava moving across the Earth and waht would have happened if this theory is correct, or what would happen again if another meteorite would crash into the earth again, creating another moon. But it is kind of werid thinking about how right now the moon is moving 1.5 inches away from the earth per year. Thousands of years ago the moon would be around 10x bigger in the sky. Amazing, huh? And I cant believe I alsmost forgot to mention Samantha and Sydney in my science class, who are also in my gym class. They are truely what make the calss entertaining. They joke, and Friday, oh dear god. Well these two high school guys had come over, and Sam and Syd thought the one in the hat was really hot. So..giggling, staring, glances to each other, and all that other stuff. Then our teacher turned around adn yelled at Syd to stop staring at the high school boys, when she was really just talking in class (yea, not that bad right? :p). Anyways Sam snapped back around and when the guys left the teacher had asked Sam if she wanted the high school guy's number, and she jumped up and down saying yes. it was really funny, and then he told her they are coming back Monday...oh dear.

Fourth period I have history class with Mrs. Quelhorst. Intresting last name, so we just call her Mrs. Q. Anyways it is a intersting class period, especially because we just went through a topic I am intrested in highly. The Salem Withcraft Trail in 1692. Very intresting time period in our history. Anyways our class has some very, how shall I say this, intresting people. Not exactly a lot of the most itnelegent kids you could find, but some of them are. One of my best friends Ally is in the class. Also my other friends Burgandy, Jen, and Chelsea...and then there is Zach. I am not quite sure what he is honestly, but it is scary I know him so well...and on some things we think quite alike....hmm..anyways. Again, a test had kind of huirt my grade with an 84%, a B. Still, even though my grade is an A, it was still kind of disheartening. Now before you dont think I dont study for any tests any of the time, let me make something clear. These three tests that I have mentioned about in German, Science, and History. Yea, those were all on the same exact day. So that kind of got to me.

Fifth period, as for now, is Gym class. For first quarter I have gym, then health class who has an awesome teacher but boring subject, then back to health, then to art class which will be fun becuase i love art. Let me just say that in 8th grade it is an all girls gym class, the guys with a diffrent teacher. Automatically means things are crazy, including we have some of the most hyper kids you could imagine, maknig it more entertaining. My gym class is really fun and funny, or at least, it usually is. The gym teacher is the volleyball coach, quite a few of my friends coach. Her father had passed away this last week, and has been gone so we have a sub. Which I understand, but could they not have picked a b***h of a sub? She yells at the most stupid things, us being ourselves. She doesnt know the rules of teh games we play, and skips things we have to do in gym. Plus, she has a giant attitude and no one likes her. So even though I am sad for our gym teacher, I do hope she returns soon. Especially because 5c (period 5 is split up into 5a, 5b, 5c for diffrent lunch periods) is MY lunch period and we are always late because of her!

So Sixth period, since funny things happen in lunch but you would have to be there we are skipping it. Sixth period is advanced reading. Now last year, awesome class, awesome teacher. This year, new teacher, hates us. then again, that might be partly our fault for always saying how gerat our teacher last year was, but still. The things she does in class and the way she teaches us stuff makes us angry. Keep logs for your reading, and the ways she tries to teach us vocabulary doesnt really help us learn it. Plus, I think the class novel we had to read made lots of people angry. I mean I love to read, but the book wasnt at the top of my list. I mean the ending was good, but still. Never read "The Land."

Last period is study hall. Nothing much to talk about except how a girl wrote on the back of a football players jersey. That was really stupid. Still, I am surrounded by 7th graders almost in my study hall. Everyone in my Study hall in 8th grade language is in spanish but one. Annoying again.

Out of school though, nothing much has been going on. I will say my brithday has passed since my last entry and i had went to columbus for a Honda festival since my mom's friend works there. They had free concerts of some really famous people, the one was Big and Rich and some older bands. They had rides and other things, and a tailgate party for the Ohio State game with a big screen television set up. The biggest thing was teh Build a Bear traveling workshop though. There was an hour line wait, but I stood there because i didn't really want to ride any of the rides at the time, ednding up getting me sun burnt on my shoulder. Anyways, all i got was a basic bear and all the free ribbons i could carry, considering all the clothes were so expensive, and the ones she had there were stupid. the only thing extra i got was a cow bell for $1.50 cause i thought it was funny razz Another thing i did for my brithday was going shopping with my aunt. she deliberatly told me not to look at the price tags, which i always do, and said i could get whatever i wanted, no limit...so yea...kind of crazy.

Also I happened to be a model in a Japanese Kimono festival which was cool and later in Decmeber I will be performing a organami teaching.

Friday night I was at my friends house and we had fun there spending the night and called my mom, which made her agnry. We kept calling her to remind her to pick me up and saying weird things like "seven days" and repeatying what Ally's alarm clock said..so...yea. she wasnt that happy then, but also she had not gotten any sleep..i hope she is joking about me not being alou to go there anymore, most likely she is.

Anyways that is about it for now, I hope I have caught up the basics of everything since I havent updated in so long. thanks if you read, hope to update again sometime when I have something halfway itneresting to type razz cya.

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