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VICE-CNC's Journal
PSO/PSU stuff. Or my Stories
Fighting Dreamers Ep 1 Demo
Hello... Welcome to the world of a path that has either turned for the better...
or for the worst... This is Fighting Dreamers X...

We could talk about the sad past on what happen at the end of N.G.H Fighting Dreamers...
But will save that for another time....

This story begins 10 years later after N.G.H Fighting Dreamers...

REE: Angel!!!!!!!!!!!!

Angel: Eep!

REE: How many times i've told you to keep this damn dog out of my Gym Room!?

Angel: This is the first time... (*We just got the Puppy yesterday....*)

(Angel thought to her self)


REE: Now that damn Dog has made a mess in here!

Angel: A stinky mess if you ask me...

REE: Grr..

Angel: Sorry Mom, I'm sure Kicker didn't know what he was doing,
Isn't that right Puppy Ruffy?

Kicker: (*Arf*)

REE: That's gonna be one dead Puppy, when i get through with it!

Angel: Dad! Help! Mom's trying hurt Kicker!

Trace: Ree... Leave Kicker alone... He doesn't know any better yet.
He's still a Puppy

Ree: 3 Weeks...

Trace & Angel: Hm?

Ree: This Dog has 3 weeks to be potty trained... OR ELSE!

(*Ree said as she walked out the room and slam the door*)

Angel: (*Sigh*) How am'i gonna potty train Kicker in 3 weeks?

Trace: Don't worry. I'll handle your mother about it, ok?

Angel: Alright

Trace: Why don't you go take Kicker for a walk

Angel: Ok, That sounds fun, Let's go Kicker!

Kicker: (*Arf*)

(*Angel left outside while Kicker followed*)

Trace: (*Sigh*) Now to go talk to Ree about this... I hope shes not too mad...

Hi, I'm Angel. Angel G. Black, if you will. And this is my style of life.
Not too bad i'd say. And this little guy right here is name Kicker and he's so cute!
We got him yesterday cause i always wanted a pet and Dad thought it was the right time
for me to have one. Mom on the other hand... Doesn't like Kicker, I don't know why...
He's so cute and love able!

Jasmime: Angel!

(*She said as she waved*)

And that is my best friend Jasmine. She around the same age as me and like the things
i like too

Angel: Hey Jasmine

Jasmine: Cool, I see you got a Puppy

Angel: Yeah, His name is Kicker, and he's cute!

Jasmine: I'll say

(*She said as she was petting him*)

Jasmine: So, Have you talked to Alex and Rally about being in our band?

Angel: Well Rally is up for it. But Alex on the other hand...

Jasmine: I see. What about Koska?

Angel: Maybe... Let's trying to get Alex to join first, And then we can try asking Koska

Jasmine: Sounds cool to me, Lets go

Angel: Alright
(Angel and Jasmine then left to Rally and Alex's place)
(But mean while at the home of Angel's parents)

Trace: Ree, You've been up set and angry alot lately...
Giving Angel 3 weeks to train Kicker?

REE: Hm... I know, I went over board a bit...

Trace: I'll say... What's going on babe?

REE: (*Sigh*) I guess it's the work the governments been having me to do is killing me...

Trace: Yeah.. We've been on alot of missions and took on more jobs then we normally do

REE: Ever since Ibuka passed away... They gave me command over her unit...
Plus i have too take on jobs that are too low of my rank... Along with my normal dutys
I can't handle all this...

(Trace then got behind Ree and started massaging her back)

Trace: You need to relax a bit and clam down... Other wise your gonna be snaping at people
everytime something makes you up set

REE: Your right... Just got alot on my mind right now... I can't believe i said..
"How many times have i told Angel to keep that damn Dog out of my Gym room"
... And we just got the Dog yesterday... I'm really losing it..

Trace: Don't worry babe, It'll get better

REE: I hope so... Damn you don't know how good that back rub feel buu...

Trace: Heheh, I thought you might needed it, to relif some of the stress on you

REE: You are so getting laid tonight...

Trace: Heheh, Anyway have you thought about what your gonna do about the lower rank Jobs?

REE: One problem at a time buu... One problem at a time


(At Alex and Rally's Home)

Alex: So let me guess this straight... You guys want me to join your band?

Angel: Yeah! It would be so cool if you joined!

Jasmise: Plus your good on key board, We need someone like you Alex

Alex: I'll pass...

Angel: C'mon! Show some family love!

Jasmine: Yeah girl, We need you!

Alex: Just because my sister Rally joined your group doesn't mean i'm gonna join you guys
your wasting your time asking me...
This is Alex. She's my cousin which you can see. We're trying to get her to join our band
But it's gonna be alot easier said then done....

Rally: C'mon Alex! You don't wanna be rich and famous and be able to get anything you want?
That's Rally. Alex's twin sister, She really cool unlike Alex......

Alex: I don't want that stuff... I rather just lay back and chil. Sounds too bothersome...

Kicker: (*Arf*)

Alex: Hm? Who's Pup is this?

Angel: He's my new pet and his name is Kicker

Rally: Aww, look at the little Puppies tail! It's so cute!

Alex: Kicker huh? Wicked name...
(Alex and Rally's Mom then walked in out there convocation)

Rally: Hey mom

Alex: Hey

Angel: Hi Aunt

Jasmine: Hello Ma'ma

Ayu: Hey guys. I came to bring you guys some sneacks

(*She then sat the sneacks on the table and said to Alex*)

Ayu: Alex sweety, It would really mean alot to your sister and cousin if you join there
group dear

Alex: How long have you been listening?

Ayu: Hehe, long enough

Alex: It's too bothersome.... What's the point mom?

Ayu: It would be something fun to do, then lay around the house all day...

Alex: Hm... I'll pass...

Rally: Aww!

Ayu: Alright... By the way, Ben called... And said that he was planning on taking you out
today Alex

Alex: What!? Ben! Please tell me you told him no!

Ayu: Well, I told him that you would be free to go out with him

Alex: Huh!? What did you do!? Please! I'll do anything! Just call it off!

Ayu: Join the band and i'll cool it off

Alex: Fine! Just call it off Mom!

Ayu: Hehe, Done deal then

Rally: Yes!

Angel: Wicked!

Jasmine: Haha, Finally
(They were in Rally and Alex's bed room for about an hour trying to think of a band name)

Ayu: By the way, Are you girls gonna ask Koska to join?

Alex: Koska? That werido...

Ayu: Alex! That's no way to talk about your cousin like that

Rally: Alex has a point Mom.. Koska is on the creepy scarey side...

Jasmine: It's only fair that we at least ask her about it

Alex: I know you and Koska's Mom were really close Mom...
But Koska is.. way too out of our league... I'm afraid that she might try to kill me or us
or something...

Angel: I want Koska to join...

(*Angel said while Kicker was laying on top of her head a sleep*)

Ayu: I would like for her join too, Heheh. Losing her Mom was really hard for her...
She needs you guys to be there for her

Angel: Then it's settled!

(*Angel said while she claped her hands together*)

Jasmine, Rally & Alex: Huh?

(*Kicker then woke up*)

Angel: We're going to Koska's place right away and ask her to join!
Right Kicker!?

Kicker: (*Arf*) (*Arf*)

(Ayu just had a smile on her face after hearing Angel say that)

Alex: That Pup doesn't understad a word your saying!

Angel: Does too!

Ayu: You girls should be really getting going then

Angel: Alright, lets go you guys
(As they went to Koska's place, the girls were talking as they went)

Rally: Are you guys sure about this?

Angel: Sure about what?

Alex: Asking Koska to join us.. What else...

Jasmine: Hm...

Angel: What are you guys so afraid of?

Alex & Rally & Jasmine: Koska...

Angel: Geez, You guys...

Alex: I don't see how you can act so cool and ok with asking Koska to join...

Angel: You don't understand. Koska is a good person... She use to be anyway...
(They finally made it to Koska's house and knock on the door)
(And Iruka opened the door)

Iruka: Hello Jasmine, Angel, Alex, Rally. What brings you guys by?

Jasmine: We came to talk with Koska a bit aunt Iruka

Angel: Yeah

Iruka: Ok, Come in. Koska is in her room.
(They went in the back of the house to Koska's room door)

Alex: Alright whos gonna go in?

Angel: Huh?

Rally: I'm not..

Angel: What?

Jasmine: I'll wait out here...

Angel: C'mon, Not you too Jasmine? You guys are being silly! Now let's knock on her door and see if we can come in
(Angel then knock on Koska's Room door and there was an unlocking sound coming from the door)

Angel: Hm...

Jasmine: I guess that means we can come in...
(They opend the door and saw Koska sitting on her bed, Looking at them with an evil mindless glare)

Angel: Hi, Koska

Koska: .....

(Kicker looked from top of Angel's head at Koska and was afraid of her the mintue he took a look at her)

Alex: Damn.. Even the pup is scared...

Rally: I don't blame him...

(Angel then grabed Kicker from the top of her head and held him in her arms and said)

Angel: There, There Puppy Ruffy. Theres no reason to be afraid, Ok Kicker?
Koska: I thought Iruka was at the door... That's why i unlocked it... If i knew it would be you guys..
I wouldn't have...

Angel: Oh...

Alex: I knew this wasn't the best idea...

Rally: Yep, Wasn't at all...

Angel: Koska... I came to ask... Well we came to ask you would like to join our band...

Koska: What reason do you think i would wanna join?

Angel: Well...

Koska: .... Get out of my room... Now...

Angel: But Koska..

Koska: Said leave my room now!
(Koska's eye's started to glow bright red and a purpleish energy blade appeared in one of her hands out of no where)

Alex: Ok! I'm outta here! O_O

Rally: I'm with you! O_O

Jasmine: I'm right behind you! O_O

(While Alex, Rally and Jasmine left the room, Angel stayed in the room)

Angel: Koska... I missed how you use to be when...

Koska: Angel... If don't leave now... I'll make you leave by force.. Do you understand me?

Angel: I'll go... But remember the offer is still on the table if you wanna join us...

Koska: ........ Close the door on your way out

(Angel then left and told the others what happen and then went back home and sat there in her room with kicker)
Angel: Hm... Maybe i should ask mom if Koska can sleep over tonight.. I still believe shes a good person...
Do you think so Kicker?

Kicker: (*Arf*)

Angel: I think so too...
(Mean while. Iruka and Koska was sitting outside in a tree eating a cup of noodles)

Iruka: So... What did Jasmine, Angel and the rest wanted to talk to you about?

Koska: Nothing really... Just asking did i wanna join there band...

Iruka: I see. Did you accpet?

Koska: Nope...

Iruka: That's a shame... I'm sure your mother would have wanted you too

(Iruka said as she started back eating)

Koska: .....

Iruka: But it's your calling on the matter... If you don't wanna do it then you don't have too
(Koska was just looking at her cup of noodles and said)

Koska: I miss mom...

Iruka: I miss your mother too Koska...

Koska: I remember when i use to sit in the park with mom sometimes... Eating noodles with her...

Iruka: ....

Koska: You and her taught me everything... But i wish... Never mind...

Iruka: You don't have to say it... I already know...

Koska: That's good...

Iruka: You don't have a mother or father and you feel like your alone in the world

Koska: .....

Iruka: I know it hurts... And i would be lying to you if i told you that you would get over it...
Koska: It hurts... Every day... No matter what... My heart hurts... I see her in my dreams every night
The last few moments of happiness i ever had...

Iruka: Go on...

Koska: I see a beautiful woman holding my hand... She has dark purple hair like me but her eyes weren't like mine...
Her skin was pile and she was wearing a beauitful white silk dress...
And she had a scare on the right side of her face.. That woman in my dream was my mom..
She use to hold my hand when we use to go over to Aunt Ree or Aunt Ayu's house
After that she would take me to the lake and she would take off her shoes and walk into the lake...
And she would look into the sky while she was in the lake... I use to love seeing that, cause she looked so happy..
And that made me happy seeing my mom like that...

(Koska then started to get a sad evil look on her face as if she was about to cry but wouldn't)

Koska: But then in my dreams.. At that moment.. I see blood....
Running every where... And when i looked at my hands.. I see blood on them.. And.. I see..
I see my mother... And...

Iruka: Stop there... That's enough...

(Iruka then huged her and said)

Iruka: That's enough... You been through alot.. More then any child i've ever known

Koska: .... I wanna.. I wanna visit my mom's grave...

Iruka: Alright...

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GM LeonMagnus
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Oct 06, 2006 @ 10:17pm

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