Dedicated to Pram and her family.
Lanita, tu saves que yo y Laharl, todos de mi familia te quiero a ti y tu Mama. We know you both are going through very hard times, as are we. Our family suffered a same loss, we know how it feels with every inch of our heart. I hope you're mom is feeling better, I'm really.. really worried for her. You know I love you guys, and even though I'm younger and probably don't understand as much, I'm here for you. You're like a whole other sister to me, part of my family. Your mom is like a second mother for me, you guys have treated our family with so much love, and we're going to continue to return it. Nelson is still with us, and we know he'll be there for you guys for ever.
Community Member
Even though you're young, Since you've always been with me and Harlie, You're wise beyond your years. And I know you understand a lot about what's happened, So I would never underestimate how much you understand.
Having you and Harlie, Aswell as your Mom and sister for support has deffinatly helped me. I consider you all to be part of my actual family. To me, It's not bloodlines and wedding bands that make up a real family, But the feelings you have for another person. :3 I always wanted a little sister or something.
I worry for my mom too, But I know she'll be alright. Even if it hurts her a lot now, She still has support even when I'm far away. What keeps her strong, Other than us who are still pysically here, Is really Nelson. Even though he can't be with her in person, He's there in her heart.
He's given her so much in those past three years that no one else has been able to give her. I SOUND LIKE A BROKEN RECORD. <3
Love you lots. <3