Today in geometry, as (your truely wink ) was slyly ninja listening to the stupid comments and topics they brought up, they decided to talk about Daivid's man brows.... sweatdrop
Daivid has very bushy eyebrows, but they suit him neutral . They asking every guy in the class to either lift up their hair or face them; everyone was suspicious and nervous: some people didn't have man brows, some people did have man brows, and there was this one guy who had a man brow (brow is single) eek
Then they started talking about Adam and his IQ xp (0.00000000001) then they said that he couldn't even distinguish between right and left stare proof:
Zach: hey Adam are you a righty or a letfty?
Adam: left... *writes with right hand
Zach: then why are you writing with your left
Adam: confused the hand that is closest to my pencil is my left!! stup!
Zach: ..... you're a ******** retard you know that right?
Adam: I already told you! I'm a righty!
Zach: That's gay you 're a gay lord beccause that's not what you said earlier....
Me: (I think you both are ******** idiots BAKA!!!!) scream
And that about sums it up Everyone in my geometry class is a f**** idiot! scream xp