I have for almost three years or so know now been thinking. I live in a time where food is at access when you wish. You simply put on some soft machine made cotton clothes and leave your electricly powered home and get into your motor vehicle and drive down to a mass markewt in minutes. I often think of how lucky we are and not even the whole of the world has yet to catch up. Yet everyday I see the scum of teens adualts and even some children now. Everyday I seem tormented by the horrid language and lack of care for a high education. I wish to understand why they do what they do. Why they would be so horrible to eveyone and themselves for reasons which in the grand sceme of all things is worthless. How long will popularity last only a small time of four years in a high school enviornment. They do drugs and smoke, and for what? To grow up with an addiction their parents may be ashamed of and kicked out of the house to be homeless. By then it is not too late, yet it is the road many are headed to, that or a horrible fate of death due to reckless decisons. I guess to be blunt people are truely blind to their perfect lives. Everyday I may get some sneer remarks, while I return in kindness(most of the time I'm only human). I find I can only be enlightened by none. I hope you consider how truely lucky you are go forth everyday in the morning with a positive attitude. Always think of your luck and how bad the rest of the world would want to be you. One last thing, the most important tip I can give, choose your friends wisely; freinds are what keep you sane and if ever their friendship gives you doubt because of their behavior ditch them.