Right now my legs hurt. I walked around so much yesterday. John wouldn't give us a ride home from his house, which is over a mile from mine. My mom was wondering why it took so long, so I told her. D: She got pissed off. I am not to go over to his house without a ride home, from anyone. She doesn't like me walking home from the bad area of town. (Thats what I think it to be since a lot of people I knew got mugged near the area) Even with Raymond there, its still dangerous. Hell, I got cut off by several cars when crossing the street, when it was my right of way. damn bastards.
When I got home, I sat there playing MK again then went to Denny's for food. The buy one meal, get the other free coupons work wonders. Then we went back home, watched Raymond play MK when I feel asleep around 10:00 only to wake up 12 hours later.
Hopefully today will stay looking beautiful. I want to go to the beach, even if my friends don't want to go. I'm tired of always not getting to share things I like doing with people I like being around. So whatever. I want to visit the Taffy lady too, since I haven't seen her since October of last year, and get a huge slice of pizza from the pizza place close by.
Well, lets hope today is nice.