wjaku saku and ukisuke walked along the path saku still drinking his sake while ukisuke and wjaku were talking then he started to sawy in the other direction and began to go off path but he was soo drunk he didnt even notice after awhile he was sobered up and could see he was in the middle of the forest "huh! wjaku?..ukisuke?" he said looking in all direction while back at the path "huh wheres saku? wjaku asked ukisuke "i dont know..." ukisuke said looking back wjaku placed his hand on his forhead shaking his head "that knuckle head " wjaku said to himself "come on lets go search" ukisuke said back in the forest saku had began walking in the wrong direction hooping to find wjaku then he stopped when he noticed like a small camping ground "oh they must know where they are!" running into the campsite but was stopped by a coupel of ninja's who had swords drawn staring at him like he was some kind of murderer and before he could say anything they took him prisoner back on the path wjaku and ukisuke ran into some animals and quickly killed them

chapter 2/??