theres a reason why i never beleive in god anymore and thats because i hate him for what he did. The first thing he did was when i was 5, my grandmother died. if gods loves us then he wouldn't have us die. when i was 8, my other grandma died because she was born with bad lungs. People may think its funny, but theres nothing funny with toying with someones emotions. a kid on my school was talking about how he got a xbox360 from his grandmother. He then said to me ,because the guy is a total b*****d and i told him i lost 2 grandmothers, that at least i have a grandma left. i swear to god i could'v killed him bevcause it ******** pisses me off that people think its funny when stuff like that hapenns. My moms aunt is dying because she can't eat. if she eats, she throws it back up. When you lose someone its not funny to make fun of the people who have. if you do, you don't deserve to live because anyone who toys with human life should die. yet god, who kills people for stuff like this, lets them live. there is no god, and if there was i would hate him and try to kill him. If you read this and have a problem with it then i don't care. you tend to stop caring if you die or not after stuff like this hapenns to you.
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