Well the past few days have been hectic, to say the very least but I'll do my best to sum up the high and low points of it all.
Well Thursday I woke up feeling absolutely incredible. You know that feeling where you're completely untouchable and nothing can possibly take you down from that high? Yeah, it was That good. I had your standard day at school with nothing special happening aside from my lesson.
Then Band rolls around...
I usually adore band because I get to play with an ensemble but today was aggrivation and destruction beyond compare. See, first it started with the Bass Clarients not being able to play their three freakin' note phrase correctly or in tune. That set off Dr. Adams something fierce and he then proceeded to go off on them and then an angry tangent about one of the band personel had been drinking a coffee during recital that day. Well, 5:00 PM rolls around and half the band leaves so we can practice the Wind Ensemble piece.
The day gets worse!
First it was just a small disagreement where Marc gave Dr. Adams a dirty look because of the way he wants this one section of the piece played and Marc doesn't like it because it's completely opposite of what is on the page and what the recording of the piece sounds like. That set off Dr. Adams pretty good right there and a line of fumbles and stupid mistakes aggrivated him more. Well, the coup de gras came when Nate couldn't play his percussion part correwctly in another section of the piece towards the end. Dr. Adams was trying to correct him and Nate would have none of it. Nate talked back to Dr. Adams and then the good Doctor simply lost it and exploded at Nate and the rest of us. He was so enfuriated with us and so disgusted that he actually packed all of his things up and left the room talking about how he "Doesn't have to put up with this s**t" and so on.
This whole two hours completely ruined my mood for about an hour and a half and still has me pissed off even as I type about it. My mood never truly left me though and I got better, thankfully. Still...I don't remember feeling so ashamed for myself and my peers in quite a long time (Presidential election excluded).
Friday came and went without much going on except for Dr. Adams' wife, Dr. Mrs. Adams and her Oboe recital. It was a great recital and the Strauss Oboe COncerto she played was a termendous piece of music. Granted it was a tremendous piece of 30 minute long music, but it was still very good.
Today...Oy, today...First there was work for 8 hours which was it's standard boring drone of time. I seriously need another job, but no other place will work with my band schedule like K Mart does. I was pretty disturbed towards the end of the day when two little 8 year-olds came in and were oggling the video games. I was making my rounds when I suddenly heard the little boy exclaim, "HOLY s**t!" at the top of his puny lungs. I stood there aghast until he later said, "Look at all the games they've got...Awww, but they're all for [********] Xbox." Now, I realise kids are getting worse and worse in the world but I had seriously never had to hear something like this for myself. Definitely counted as a mental kick in the teeth for me.
Anywho, work finally ended late because Diaze never showed up at 4:00 PM like she was scheduled to and I didn't leave until almost 4:30 PM. I rushed home to change and back to school because I had scheduled a saxophone quartet rehearsal for 5:00 PM. I was sadly the first one there followed by Tim and later Paul.
Keeping count? For those who can't, that's 3 people. A Quartet is 4.
Well, Brian never showed up so guess who didn't have quartet rehearsal today and is instead forcing a three hour rehearsal tomorrow? Wonderful times at the good ol' SU. Tonight was lifted though because James' chamber opera, "Helen Retires" premiered tonight and it was absolutely incredible. It was so sad and moving that my heart still aches for Helen of Troy and her cursed life.
Good music always effects me and now I feel emo for her...It's definitely a switch from how I've been lately.
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Wherein Hawk drove back the oppressors with a pointy stick.
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I'm gonna be The Guy