OH ... MY.... GOSH!!!!!
Ok, yeah- I'm officially a fan girl now. Yep, no doubt about it. The Pink Spiders are the #1 band on the planet in my thoughts. I went to their concert last night at the venue in Boise, ID. And it was great.
It is a tour of four bands, Kill Hannah, The Pink Spiders, Love Arcade, and ActionReaction. Now, I'll tel loyu a story about each one in as much detail as I can muster.
First of, I was going with my friend Tanya, who is OBSESSED with Kill Hannah... Me... I'm a Pink Spiders' fan already. So, we go to the meet and greet just a little bit away from the Venue. It's supposed to be kill hannah and love arcade, so I'm there more for Tanya's Moral support then anything cause I Had only ever heard one song of Love Arcade's and truth be told I didn't like it. The whole time, not many people there... no Kill Hannah.... and I didn't even realize that I was holding a conversation with a member of Love Arcade O_O" I was just talking to a hot guy was all I thought.
Anyway, we left when we found out Kill Hannah wasn't going to be there. Yep, didn't care a bit about Love Arcade, not-at-all!

So we head to the venue, sit in the car... doors locked mind you, It's downtown Boise after all, Boise is in the top 200 most dangerous US cities to live in you know. Anyway, so we're waiting till it's closer to the time when the concert is starting before we'll go and stand in line at the door, cause it's cold and I'm not stupid.... But also the knowledge "first come first serve" kept popping into my mind. I wanted a good seat for the Pink Spiders. DUH! But when I was about to say let's go to the door... up pulls a Van..... and WHO should step out but the PInk Spiders. and mind you we're the only ones in the parking lot.... So I'm just staring by this point cause My Jon, Jeremy, Bob and Matt(but mostly Jon and Jeremy) are 10 feet from my door.

Well eventually, after staring at hte boys being their own roadies and pulling in their drums and the llike into the back of the venue.... we went to the door. stood in line where we gagged our heads off cause of smokers... oh joy. When we got in, yep- I went to the stage and tanya was laughing at me... My eyes BEARILY left hte door of which I knew the spider's were right behind. Yep, glued to the door! But did they come out first....... NO! ActionReaction gets the stage first... yep... andddddd was I ever glad to watch them get off the stage.

So Love Arcade comes out next... yep... my jaw drops... that hot guy I was talking to before... yeah- part of the band... yep. and no... I didn't feel glad to have left the Meet and Greet early by this point... nope, not at all. So I watched him.... Thomas was His name I found out later... Yeah- cute names for cute people you know.

Finally... the time had come for the spiders to get her stage... and Yeah- I was RIGHT AT THE STAGE.. NO ONE was going to get between me and My Spiders! I made sure I was right between the Lead singer-Matt Friction and their Guitarist (one of their guitarist) Jeremy James. Again.... cute names for cute people.... very cute. *zones out for a minute* Ok I'm back! Yeah so they were singing Teenage Graffidi and I was singing along.... and Jeremy comes in close to all the people and starts shaking their hands, drum solo you know, anyway... and he took mine twice XD Yeah- I'm hyper about this! But not excessively ninja whee

So After the show.... We got to meet the bands... I got to talking to Thomas again, letting everyone talk to My Spiders so I would have a better chance to talking to them without a croud... And Thomas was hillarious, I have a picture with him, Tanya and Myself, I'll have to show you when I get hte copies from Tanya, they're hillarious. Then OFCOURSE! I went ot Talk to My Jeremy... and... I got to hug him. And sit by him and talk to him, but he was MUCH more shy then I would have thought. Truly Truly... I didn't get to find my Jonny boy... he must have gone back stage pretty quick.. but I got Matt's signature, I also couldn't find Bob... I guess I went to that group a little late, but Thomas was so much fun to talk to. whee whee
PS.... I still can hear nothing but ringing out of my right ear cause I was so close to the speaker. rofl [/endrant]
Lacya · Sat Dec 16, 2006 @ 07:19pm · 3 Comments |