I hate my brother !Gawd! *personal vent journal* |
*vent begins* My brother is such a spoiled brat! And it is getting on my nerves. Today, my parents and sister had to go to a retirement for a guy on his boat, and my brother wanted to go, but the were pusing the time and told him no. He threw a fit and ran upstairs to his room and my mom ended up staying home to comfret that little iddiot. she should have just left him, My mom didn't deserve to be treated like that. Oh and the other day, My parents got him a secret santa gift, because he needed on efor school. Then he tried to open it. My dad said "Logan don't do that, it's for your secret santa" (or something like that) and he said *contiuneing to open the girf* "Bu i want it" then my dad said "no, *forgets rest*" oh and also, my mom made is clear me and him weren't allwod to have a myspace, and guess who got a myspace. !!!!!!!!!!*insert words here*!!!!!!!!!!!!
He makes me so mad sometimes. I know not every one is perfect but it seems like my parents let him get awa with everything! and half the time, he beats on me, and i can't fight back, cuase i get in trouble. not him. I've gotten more bruises than a one year old banging their head on the coner of a coffee table. 100 times. Not beign over dramatic. And i can't figh back, not because i can't, but because like i said before, i'm alwas the one to get yelled at. There are times that i look at him and wonder how he gets so many friends. Just today i was swinging a head phone around, and as joking around I hit him in the leg! A two year old in bubble wrap would have gotten more hurt than he did, but no... it hurt sooo much he grabbed a magazine, shoved it in m face, kicked me twice AND grabbed the head phones from me and threw them at me! In front of my parents, so who do they yell at? mE! Gawd! My dad goes "Kylie," As my brother moved to a diffrent couch. I wanted to scream and yell at him so much. but then he said "logan, stop okay?" not even caring why i had a red mark on my face and leg. Though, he's lucky my parents were home because i would have wooped is butt! I have before,and he still hasn't learned his lesson. And that time it was over a flippin... hm.. wat was it... *tries to remember* oh right it was a remote. I wanted to watch TV and he wanted to play a game. I won razz Shows that iddiot.
*vent over , takes deep breath *
Mint-Mae · Fri Dec 22, 2006 @ 10:11pm · 0 Comments |