Well...In the morning at 8:30am, my dad woke me up when I was sleeping just to tell me that we are going out to eat breakfeast. So I got up and used the comp until we had to go.When we were on our way to 'Dennys' my dad said what we will be doing today, "Ok. We'll go eat breakfeast, then after that we'll go to the outlets, after the outlets, we'll go to the movies, then after the movies...we'll go eat." I groaned and said there are no good movies. When we were on the road, my brother asked my dad if he used to work at 'Scary Dairy' my dad thought for a bit and my brother told him its a dairy and that they now call it Scary Dairy 'cause its haunted.My dad said that he did and I was wondering why it was haunted.My brother then said, "They said it was haunted.-dad-Ya..I used to weork at the uh freezer.-brother-ya thats where all the haunted stuff happens.They say that there is this ball that is red.When you walk around the room and then come back at the exact same spot, it changed color.So, when it turns blue..It means it likes you..and when it turns red..-dad-You better get the ******** out of there.-brother-Yeah..And also the uh..College is haunted too.-dad- Yeah.They made this rooms in the lower part of the school for the uh..crazy people...They like whip them and s**t...and..I know someone that used to work there and he said it was creepy.-brother- Yeah..I when I walked through the entrance with some of my friends, I felt like throwing up...And they said on (I forgot what he said the site was) and they said uh..when you first walk in the entrance, you'll feel like throwing up.." I remembered someone talking about that and said they had to close the windows 'cause it was haunted.It was also a new college...I kinda think its cool and wanna go..but...I kinda get scared easily and I might die sweatdrop thats what I think...So when that was over, we ate breakfeast(I wasn't really hungry..) and went to the outlets.
I think it was around 9:30 or 10am when we were there.So, we walked around and my mom kept beind behind looking at some shoes. Then my brother said, "Ahh..This is why I hate women!" (he's not gay!heh..he just doesn't like women doing those things XD ) A few stores down, my mom did it again and my brother groaned. So, me,my sister,and brother walked on our own and left our parents behind.A few minutes later, they sat down on a bench and I was standing by them. My brother then acted like a little kid and said ,"-acts like he is crying- I want my dad..Where's my dad.." He is really funny ^^ so is my sister, kinda.So my parents finally came and we went to the car and when to the other side of the outlets -_- we went shopping for shoes and I didn't really like any...I wanted some converse again sweatdrop so we went back to the car and didn't buy anything.When we were almost to the car, I saw one of those small cars and punched my brother, "Punch buggy yellow" He then laughed a little and looked around." Oh!There's one!" he didn't punch me and I groaned."Oh!Red punch buggy comin up!" I then groaned again and looked for it.damn! "Oh ho ho..wait until we get in the car!" then he laughed and then said, "No, wait until we get home!" I laughed nervously and sighed. We got to the car and start to drive to the movies and my brother saw me loooking around the parking lot." Why you looking?Trying to find one?" He laughed and saw another one. "Oh!Thats three!Ha ha!" I groaned and looked around and didn't find anything.
When we arrived at the parking lot in the movies, he started to say,"Oh this place is gonna be filled with them!" I then laughed a little and we went to get the tickets.We went to see, "Night at the Museum" it was...ok...when it was over, my parents wanted to see another movie but we didn't.So my dad gave the keys to my brother and he drove us home.Before we left, my dad told him that he will be picking them up when they call him.But we all have to come (brother sister and me)
So we got in the car and saw that it was already 1:46pm. we arrived home at around 2pm and went to the front door to open it.My brother got out the keys and he saw so many and tried them all. I was laughing and watching him. "The gold key" he tried the gold keys but nothing.My brother kept trying and my sister had a comment,"uhhg!We gonna stay out here.We are never gonna get married..blah blah blah." my brother kept trying and I sighed. my sister made another comment,"God..we must look weird standing here.." I then ran to the other side of our house and opend the door to where it leads to our back.Since we have a door from the back yard, I slide the door and it was closed. "Damn it!" I then ran outside and my brother was still trying. I then told him that we could've just used the switch from dad's car. Then he said ,"Shut up..I want to go through the front door!" I then sighed and watched him.In the end, we ended up getting that switch and I opend the garage door.FINALLY!
So we stayed home for an hour and picked up my parents at 3pm...In my head, I was thinking that we were the parents and my mom and dad went to the movies and got dropped off like some teens on a date XD My dad took over and we went to go eat dinner.I wasn't hungry, of course, so I just sat there, watching everyone eat. My brother got some shrimp and he was giving some to my family(there was a lot..thats why) he then looked at me and asked, "Do you want some." I shaked my head and said ew.heh..and he said,"God..You're not even one of the family.." neutral A few minutes later, my sister said that she needed gas for her car, and this is what happend. "Dad..I need gas for my car. -dad- Oh thats right. I'll go fill it up when your mom and I are going to the store.We might even uh..do it in there cool " O_O was my expression and I started laughing. My sister then said, "What?I didn't hear that part...ewwwww...." Hee...Funny family >,<
So we left and went to the car.When I got in I just said, "Punch buggy!" just to see if my brother would remember. Then he said, "Ah!I still owe you THREE" when he said that, he put up three fingers up on my face O_o When we started to leave, I was just looking out the window. I then saw the horizon..It was cool..Pretty colors..On the way home, my brother saw another car and said, "Oh!There's another! Blue one right there!" I then said 'What' and looked back. I then started to punch him and he says, "Oh..thats 7.." I then threw a napkin at him and he said,"Thats 20.." A few min. later, he started stretching and I poked his stomach. "Thats 25..." I stopped and just turned on the light to read my manga.I just read 3 pages and I closed the book and looked at my brother. I then hit him with the cd case(small) and he said, "You just keep adding to your punches" ;D man..today was funny...Oh yeah...and when he said 20..He started to punch me..10 times.. D;
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Wow... funny... I think this is liek the longest thing you've ever written in your journal