Hideki Motosuwa: a cram school student, and the main character who finds and names Chii.

Chii: A special persocom of the "Chobits" Series that Hideki finds lying around in the garbage.

Shimbo: Owner of a laptop 'com named Sumomo or Plum in the Manga. He's Hideki's best friend.

Plum/Sumomo: Shimbo's cheerful laptop persocom. She's very loud and somewhat annoying, especially in the morning.

Ms. Shimizu: Runs away and has marriage plans with Shimbo towards the end of the anime. Although she is married, her husband loves a persocom more than her.

Manager Ueda: The manager of the Chiroru bakery. He once married a persocom and after her death, he fell in love again with a girl of the same name as his 'com: Yumi.

Yumi: A highschool girl that treats Hideki like her older brother. She falls in love with Manager Ueda.

Ms. Hibiya/ Landlady: Her past is very secretive. She hides it behind a sweet smile and kind words. For some reason, she knows more about Chii than Hideki himself.

Minoru: A twelve year old rich genius that helps Hideki with the Persocom problems. Surprisingly, he's in college.

Yuzuki: A persocom that wants nothing more than to make Minoru smile. She's one of Minoru's custom built 'coms, made with the image and personality of his late sister.

Dita & Zima: Two persocoms that work for the government. Not much is known about them, besides the fact that they're after Chii.

Yoshiyuki Kojima: Also known as "Dragonfly" on the BBC forums. He took interest in Chii after Minoru brings her up in the forums. He eventually ends up Kidnapping her, and regrets it soon after a little "Accident" in his experiments.

Kotoko: Yoshiyuki's partner in crime, the truth-telling, very stubborn Kotoko. She's a laptop persocom that finds Sumomo VERY annoying.

Freya: Chii's very mysterious look alike, who only appears to Chii in her mind. She plays quite an important role. However, she is very dangerous.
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