Everything going on in this house is slowly passing, along with me being truly happy. I thought having no school would be great (which it is!) but I've lost all my socialization time... Staying in this room, being on the computer most often then anything is surprisingly helping me avoid Dawn. But soon, I'm going to have to force myself to avoid the computer for awhile, I need to go outside and just think about things. I might be going into a small depression state and I can't have that happen. I'll have to try and catch up on my friend's lives and see what's going on in school and s**t. Oh today V gave me 3K gold on Gaia (here) I really appreciate that gratitude. Sam hasn't been on long enough to notice that I've gotten her, her most prized item. I'm she's going to be overwhelmed when she sees it!
I must go now... Tired...
