Puu!!!!!! It was so fun today! We trekked miles, but it was worth it to realize that Little Tokyo is freakin' across from Mr. Ramen....the Mr.Ramen we ALL has to turn around to look at and consequently miss Little Tokyo itself. However, we did have tons of fun yelling and screaming at each other...mostly just screaming "See?! See?! I told you so!"
Of course, we got some fun out of watching James pathetically eating those udon noodles like a cat picking around at its food. Did anyone notice that he lost them? He put them in a container to take them home, and lost them!!!!!! Not only were those noodles just abused, they were abandoned. Shame, James, Shame.
I think I got enough ramunen to make me hyper enough to believe I have super-suction power like Kirby. And Pocky. Lots of that. And Amy's panda bear cookies. We really did have a cultural experience...we ended up near Mexican restaurants, went to Little Tokyo (which was somewhat full of white people), and somehow ended back up at a Viet/Thai supermarket. And all this started from a Mormon house with Amy asking Matt if Mormon guys can pierce their penises.
...and I forgot how many times we got lost or messed up a train. Maps are god.
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Community Member
Various responses: "Of course I...*reading map* Hoshit! We're on the wrong train!"
"Yes. *roll of the eyes*" <---All Matt right there (He made us walk sooo much. >:[ wink
"Damn it! We walked in a circle!"
And James was silent/relatively quiet.
Matt is now an honorary Asian.
And I loved how happy Anita was that they had the udon she wanted.
And poor Brian, enduring us so well. But he still jaywalked with us!