Hey hey hey hey! Ho ho ho ho~
I'm finally understanding something in math! I'm so excited. It's been what? Two? Three? Chapters since I had an inkling of what was going on. It's those darn radians! sweatdrop They make no sense. And when will I use them in real life? "It's five pi over twelve, dur. D< Not seventy-nine degrees!" I'm a degrees sort of person, anyhow. It makes sense and you can count by them.
Somebody, please explain how three over pi is equal to two. gonk Because three divided by pi is not not not two. It's 0.955. Or was it 3 pi over six that was equal to two? It's still nonsensical.
But! Like I said. I'm getting this new chapter. It's dealing with exponents. And roots. I don't always understand the questions, though. But if someone could just tell me what math is is they're wanting me to do, I can do it! What are they asking here? "They want you to do that thing that's something like that!" I got it now! I can do that, it's easy. >D
*feeling a rush of confidence*
If I can keep this rush through tomorrow, maybe I'll have the confidence to talk to that one boy?!
... No, wait. xD There aren't boys I like. xD That's Rae. She talks about him so much, it's beginning to feel like I'm the one going creepy-stalker and leaving anonymous notes in their locker. D: Okay, there aren't any anonymous notes in lockers, our lockers don't have vents. But she has written a "Will you hang out with me?" note. And she never. Will. Again. Because she should just talk to the boy. D: I hear know he's really nice.
Leamony · Thu Jan 11, 2007 @ 02:20am · 1 Comments |