Ever have those dayz were u wish u were stil just a kid with no worries and no responsiblities!! Today i feel like that, i'm growing tooo fast! i wish that i was still Lil me! going to kindergarden, playin' all day, watchin tv, eating whatever i want and not have to worry about whether i'll get fat or get zits!! Life is so cruel and hard, but when ur a kid everythings so simple and easy! I wish it were those warm summer dayz when i would just lay on the grass, stare at the blue sky, listen to the birds, and relax!
My brother has no idea how good he has it right now!
Anywayz back to reality, i'm bored as mother freakin' hell right now, i'm listenin' to online radio and i'm also hungry and i won't eat (no matter what) my mother's bean soup cuz frankly it sux! so what did i do all day hmmmm good question, well i did the laundry and then watched tv cuz my bf wanted me to see this movie with him (Rocky 5) i thought the movie was boring but whatever......so guess what?
bored! as monkey heck!