Dear Cube,
How do you like the new monthly collectibles?
Your friend
Not Cube B.
Dear not Me,
I like the monthly collectables. The Gift of the Goddess is nice, and the armor's gauntelts fits nicely over my claws, in fact I- *crack*
Broke my keyboard, luckily I had a spare. Now, about your question, I- *crack
am using the on screen keyboard now.
There is one thing I don't like about it though.
Items that make you buy multiple versions for a full outfit. Remakes aren't that bad, some people might not like them. But Items that make you donate more than once it unfair. If I want to wear armor, I don't want to pay for individual chest plates, and shoes, and a belt. It doesn't even have pants. Not to mention I'm like the only person on gaia who likes the armor. The steel punching thing is pretty cool though, but causes alot of computer damage. So not me, I- *crack*
Broke the mouse. Let me upload this with the touch screen.
'upload_journal' *CRACK!*